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The return of TCB

Started by DarkOne, January 27, 2013, 09:59 PM

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Wyv was kind enough to send me all the challenges of TCB (maps and schemes) and since we have a lovely challenge system on TUS, I've decided to do something with these maps :)

I've made a list of the challenges that have been uploaded already (some a while ago already).
If the number is written in green, that means it's still an active challenge. If the number is written in red, it means the deadline has passed. You'll still be able to improve the records, though! New record holders will be edited into the list.
I'll be uploading TA replays on every challenge page and add links to the replays in this list :)
Credits for the map/scheme in this list, as well as the author of a TA replay.

1: Roperace for Beginners by Wyvern. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Statik.
2: Escaping Yoshi's Island by Wyvern. TA replay by Cybershadow. Challenge won by _ssm_.
3: The walls are burning! by DarkOne. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Dulek. Current record by Sir-J.
4: Mariovault by DarkOne. Challenge won by DarkOne.
5: Nading me softly by Wyvern. Challenge won by _ssm_ and barman.
6: Gone with the wind by FFie. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Xrayez.
7: Stairway to heaven by FFie. Challenge won by Statik.
8: Ride the Waves by FFie. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by worm_gamer.
9: It's Raining Mines! by FFie. Challenge won by AKT.
10: The Digging Commando by FFie. Challenge won by barman.
11: Arroyo Battle by Wyvern. Challenge won by _ssm_ and Incog.
12: Fight for the Water Tower by Wyvern. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Statik.
13: The Coast Hideout by Wyvern.
14: Underground Warriors by Wyvern. Challenge won by worm_gamer, _ssm_, piki1802 and Triad.
15: ??
16: Run's Crystal Maze No. 1 by Run. Challenge won by _ssm_.
17: Hanging by a thread! by DarkOne. TA replay by Wyvern. Challenge won by chakkman. Current record by Ninjacamel.
18: ??
19: Shotfun! by Wyvern. Challenge won by _ssm_ and Incog. Current record by Incog.
20: Stableford golf clinic by Wyvern. Challenge won by _ssm_, BoolC, Incog, LiNeS and Piki1802.
21: Magnetic Field by Wyvern. Challenge won by barman.
22: Escape the Floods by FFie. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Mablak.
23: Picking on the Wimp by FFie. TA replay by LeTotalKiller. Challenge won by _ssm_.
24: ??
25: Noah's rope by FFie. TA replay by Wyvern. Challenge won by Csongi. Current record by Masta.
26: ??
27: Brainfreeze! by DarkOne. TA replay by Wyv. Challenge won by Statik.
28: The Sheepland Stronghold by DarkOne.
29: Roperace for the Skilled by Wyvern. Challenge won by Statik.
30: Siege of the Alga by Wyvern. Challenge won by BoolC.
31: ??
32: Bungeelicious by c0o1. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Statik. Current record by Ninjacamel.
33: Assault Course Nr. 1 by MrTPenguin. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Deadcode. Current record by Mablak.
34: Assault Course Nr. 2 by MrTPenguin. Challenge won by Incog.
35: Assault Course No. 3 by Bloopy. Challenge won by _ssm_.
36: The Inflex-o-meter by Bloopy. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Xrayez.
37: Treasure Trove Cove by Wyvern. Challenge won by Statik.
38: Plastic Tubes Crackerjack by c0o1. TA replay by LeTotalKiller. Challenge won by Incog.
39: The Banana Blaster by TheAbdBoy. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by DarkOne. Current record by Masta.
40: Take a Dump! by Losty. TA replay by DarkOne. Challenge won by Statik.
41: Shotfun v2.0 by Wyvern. Challenge won by _ssm_.
42: Run's Crystal Maze No. 2 by Run. Challenge won by Incog.
43: Archer's Inferno by Mr. Bad and Melon. Challenge won by _ssm_ and Hurz.
44: A Cannoneer Gone Astray by c0o1. TA replay by LeTotalKiller. Challenge won by KoreanRedDragon.
45: Bungee Bowling by Bloopy. Challenge won by _ssm_.
46: Grey Matter by Darío. Challenge won by _ssm_.
47: ??
48: Roping Range by TigerTjaeden. TA replay by DarkOne. Challenge won by Komito and worm_gamer.
49: Bounce Baby Bounce by Wyvern. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by barman.
50: ??
51: Starlight Zone by Jehuty. TA replay by Wyvern. Challenge won by Masta.
52: The potholer by Wyvern. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by barman.
53: The Circus is in Town by DarkOne and Lex. TA replay by Wyvern. Challenge won by Csongi.
54: Rat Infestation by MrTPenguin. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by barman.
55: Roping Range II by Acegikmo. Challenge won by worm_gamer.
56: Multivitamin Dash by c0o1. TA replay by Cybershadow. Challenge won by _ssm_.
57: A Cripple's Journey by Wyvern. TA replay by Wyvern. Challenge won by Husk.
58: Feed me! by FFie. Challenge won by _ssm_.
59: RopeRace for Maniacs by Wyvern. TA replay by Wyvern. Challenge won by Masta.
60: Fly for Punctuation by Darío. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Incog.
61: Grey Matter No.2 by Darío. Challenge won by _ssm_.
62: Tony Hawk's RopeRace by BigBilly. TA replay by Wyvern. Challenge won by Dulek.
63: Longcat's shotgun by Bloopy. Challenge won by van, _ssm_, Statik, barman and Incog. TA replay by Deadcode.
64: ??
65: The Art of Roofing by ffc700. Challenge won by Statik.
66: Walk for Weapons by Wyvern. Challenge won by Incog.
67: Sunday Drive by Bloopy. Challenge won by Masta.
68: Through the Blur by Wyvern. Challenge won by Statik.
69: Brainblooped Episode 1 by Bloopy. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Mablak.
70: The SD Machine by DarkOne. TA replay by Deadcode. Challenge won by Deadcode.
71: Within Brachiation by c0o1. Challenge won by Masta.
72: Surf the Swell by Bloopy and FFie. Challenge won by hsletouriste.
73: Holy Golf by FFie. Challenge won by Xrayez and Teemto.
74: Roping for Skinflints by Darío. Challenge won by _ssm_.
75: Brainblooped episode 2 by Bloopy. Challenge won by BoolC.
76: The Superfly by shamballa and Wyvern. Challenge won by WhiteRqbbit.
77: Pizza Delivery by Wyvern and Robi. Challenge won by Masta.
78: Roping Range - Poker Edition by FFie. Challenge won by LiNeS.

And a couple of bonus challenges :)
79: TFCCDiPUWLAaCCPF by lacoste. Challenge won by _ssm_ and Xrayez.
80: The old Worm and the Sea by FFie. Challenge won by _ssm_.
81: The Turtle Express by DarkOne. Challenge won by _ssm_.

Current standings in terms of challenges won!
_ssm_: 21
Statik: 11
Incog: 9
barman: 7
Masta: 5
worm_gamer, Xrayez: 4
BoolC: 3
Csongi, DarkOne, Deadcode, Dulek, LiNeS, Mablak, piki1802: 2
AKT, chakkman, hsletouriste, Hurz, Husk, Komito, KoreanRedDragon, Teemto, Triad, van, Whiterqbbit: 1


As promised, the list :)
I'll replace the "??"s with the actual challenge names and authors as soon as they are uploaded.
Happy hunting, everybody!
I'll be updating the already expired challenges if someone uploads his/her submission there :)


I not know Number in TCB, but have many schemes and maps,

Large Rope Scape
40 Rats
Stairway To Heaven
It's Raining Mines!
The Digging Commando
Fast Fight For Water Tower
Crazy Crates Maze
Kill the asshole
Assault Course-3 http://www.cn.ru/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=47965&d=1227230173 (total turn)
A Cripple's Journey
Bloodless Fight For Water Tower
Treasure Trove Cove
Duck Hunting
Jet Pack Scape
Siege of The Alga
Flying Downwind
Gone With The Wind
Archer's Inferno
Roping Range II
RopeRace For Beginners


Kill the asshole, nice ;D You don't seem to have the descriptions used in TCB, though.
I have all schemes and maps, so I'll upload them one at a time :) if I upload challenge 1 next, I'll change the ??s to the actual name and link to the challenge page, just like I did to already existing challenges.


I've been uploading TA replays for the older challenges, since newer replays get posted anyway once the challenge is over :)
I will continuously be updating this thread, adding newer challenges and adding the TA replays as well as challenge winners in the list once the challenge expires.

For those that don't know yet, the image in my sig links to this thread 8)


Shall I put a place in challenge form to accept TA replays? I don't know who many they are.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.


Well, at this rate, we're going to have them of all the upcoming challenges ;D


Updated the TA replay links for challenges 3 and 32.



I seem to have been asleep behind the wheel ;D 2 more challenges added and I've updated the list.


Yay for Treasure Trove Cove! Was my favourite one :D
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Quote from: Statikbarman's fails are best


Thx for hosting DarkOne, all of these challenges are new for me :)

dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win