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Game #107203, Reported by angus, Viewed 1987 Time(s)

Classic #25
April 16, 2012, 02:23 PM
Sexy Lords
Absolute Beginner 1046 in TTRR before the game. Gained 45|43 points
Pohuy Powah | Pycckue PakeTbI
Beginner 1114 in TTRR before the game. Lost 32|43 points

Game Rate
3 / 5
Total Members Voted: 1
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
1 - 1
1 - 3
Information Game scheme: TTRR
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 451 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
1920 x 696, BIT, 0.85 KB, Downloaded 9,368 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
mm`barman [gl hf]
[aNgu`sL] hfs
[Barashka`pp] fh
[Sabre`pp`] hf
sl`fr4nk..aNgu`sL: spero almeno di finire lol
[Sabre`pp`] didn't rope almost a year
aNgu`sL..sl`fr4nk: si appunto io ho lo space precario
[mm`barman] uh oh, I just got a league game
[mm`barman] see ya ^_^
sl`fr4nk..aNgu`sL: haha, speriamo che siano merde
aNgu`sL..sl`fr4nk: si basta finire la mappa
[Barashka`pp] gj me
[sl`fr4nk] 79
[Sabre`pp`] gj no way they can beat it
[Sabre`pp`] xD
[Barashka`pp] XD
[aNgu`sL] trek
[sl`fr4nk] 59
[Barashka`pp] 62
[aNgu`sL] 62
[Sabre`pp`] gg
[sl`fr4nk] che turno
[aNgu`sL] minchia
[aNgu`sL] what you guys are gonna pick?
[Sabre`pp`] thinking
[aNgu`sL] oki
[Sabre`pp`] But some defeault as you can assume
[Sabre`pp`] prolly elite
[aNgu`sL] cool
[Barashka`pp] vpizdu
[Barashka`pp] gj
[sl`fr4nk] tx
[Sabre`pp`] ae
[aNgu`sL] D;
[Barashka`pp] xD
[Sabre`pp`] gg you host
[sl`fr4nk] k
[sl`fr4nk] gimme a sec, gotta call

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dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win


