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Great Snooper | 3rd chapter

Started by Tomi, August 31, 2014, 10:32 AM

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Just tried this, this is f@#!ing awesomeeeee.

People really should upgrade from Wheat to this one.


Hi Tomi. Dunno, it doesn't looks like GS's problem, but nevertheless:


I use Gs at laptop and internet access via WiFi by a smartphone. 17:23 - i went out with the phone, laptop lost connection with inet, WinXP shows this message. If i hit either button, GS would be terminated. I did not. I get back at 22:26, laptop found inet, Gs reconnected and working well. But the messege ofk still here.

Nothing to fix here i guess, so i put it here just to let you know. May be connecion loss is just unhandled error?



You are welcone! xd

I mean thx for the info! However i wont do anything with 1.4.9 bugs, coz that version doesnt exist forme anymore..

If everything will be ok then i will release 1.5beta this weekend, coz i will have long weekend now.. last weekend i didnt have 1minute free time..


I hope it wouldn't crash too much.
The manual in the installation folder is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


For the "TUS anyone" bot, maybe you could switch it to be more informative for the newcomers as in "TUS league anyone? www.tus-wa.com



Quote from: WTF-8 on October 22, 2015, 07:29 PM
I hope it wouldn't crash too much.

if you experience crashes on GS 1.49, you should go in settings and uncheck the box of "safety mode". It's actually not crash, it's program turning off everytime you start the game.

By far the biggest and probably the only "problem" with that version.
(well, group chats not working for me tbh, don't know why, but they're not so important anyway)


Seems you misunderstood it.
1. "safety mode"? wth, do you mean "energy save mode"? Eh, it doesn't help with this issue anyway.
2. It crashes (with a standart "great snooper.exe has done something wrong and will be terminated" message) when my internet connection goes nutz, and launching or closing the game doesn't help. I doubt it has something to do with the game itself.
3. It started to happen since v1.4
Though I have seen it reconnecting w/o crashing, this only happened 2-3 times out of 20+ reconnect attempts.

Quote from: Sensei on October 26, 2015, 11:11 PMprobably the only "problem" with that version
Crashing is the only major problem I can remember (because I couldn't do very much...), but there are few less important problems, like that one which cuts off some letters (g -> q, for example).
The manual in the installation folder is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Been getting an error every so often when i host (i'm using WormNAT2 option in snooper)

Mind you, this happens even when I haven't hosted a single game yet, any idea? I'm using newest version of the snooper.


This happens to me too, but the hosted game appears.



That is a common message that have been with the game since I can remember. It only happens if you have hosted a lot of games within short time span.
Global Wormin' - A Friendly Discord Worms Server

Someone is using my name on WormNET. If you are under suspicion if you aren't with the real Kradie, then pelase confirm my real ID here on TUS or discord @Kradie.

Schemes I mostly play: Big RRz and Roperz.



@ Kradie - Nah. Even if you haven't host for a while, it still pop out that message saying "you've been hosting too many games recently. Please wait some minutes" along side with that, if you haven't join in a game for a while, i got a message pop out saying "You're in a game"
For God so love the world, that he give his only begotten son, that who so ever believes in Him, putting their faith and trust on him, they will not go to hell or devil, will never perish and will have everlasting life.

I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


Strange, I have not yet encountered this issue Although, I do not use snooper to host games. I was just talking about the game itself, probably irrelevant to this thread :P
Global Wormin' - A Friendly Discord Worms Server

Someone is using my name on WormNET. If you are under suspicion if you aren't with the real Kradie, then pelase confirm my real ID here on TUS or discord @Kradie.

Schemes I mostly play: Big RRz and Roperz.



Quote from: XanKriegor on November 12, 2015, 09:53 AM
This happens to me too, but the hosted game appears.

Yeah sorry forgot to mention, game appears hosted just fine.


What the hell?! Some russian virus attacked my GS?! :o

Stay tuned for test version releasing in some days! ;)