Was good fun! Here's a few bonus details we didn't get around to:
Mole shopper - The task of darksiding/building the best network of tunnels to attract crates makes it a nice unique scheme. I think the mole bomb is my fav WA weapon now. Just too cute the way it squeaks as it bounces along, and works in harmony with the worms here. When it digs it sounds like me attacking a bowl of potato crisps. It's clever that the mole is overpowered so the hole made by its explosion is big enough for a crate. Probably nothing else needed to be overpowered and some other settings could be tweaked (5 mins before SD seems too short), but then we viewed it as a party scheme. TerribleOne/diG was probably the first to put any pre-made holes in a map (3 large ovals), so then I ran with the idea and made the first map that was all pre-made holes. I liked how that avoided the jumps you sometimes had to do to get back onto the girders. One of my unfinished maps from 2007 is actually a mole shopper since I wanted to experiment with different proportions and spend more time on the art. So I'll try and finish that.
Some schemes I actually came up with - Shotgun race, bungee fight and (sort of) parachute race. You'll just have to read about them on WKB, with thanks to FoxHound for entering many of the details! The
shotgun race map I posted recently is the first WA map I finished in over 16 years. It plays sort of like a build-your-own battle race course, although it gets quite repetitive. I have more varied ideas for another map for the scheme.
I had a go at counting how many Worms maps I've released and arrived at 244. Including collaborations, TCB challenge and WWP mission maps, but not multiple versions of the same map nor other people's remixes of my maps. And not counting
this thing made in K^2's editor.

More on a few things we did mention:
The first ever Worms map I made looked like this. I need to put Worms files on my website again sometime.

The petrol backflip which I may've stumbled onto inventing just because Dario's Grey Matter No. 2 challenge was too confusing/evil for me:
This video is of the same tornado I mentioned that went through my workplace, but it looked a lot less violent by the time it got to us (photo by a colleague):
https://i.imgur.com/IQBvGHo.jpeg. Not a regular occurrence here thankfully!