Name: Super Sheep Gymkhana
Type: Misc
Started: January 15, 2014, 08:27 PM
Expire time: January 30, 2014, 08:30 PM
You can still submit your time. But you won't recieve the 4 points as it is not the current challenge anymore.
Challenge maps:
Scheme File(s):

How good are you at driving a super sheep? Let's know it! Welcome to the Super Sheep
Gymkhana challenge!
The goal of the challenge is to perform as many tricks as possible as fast as possible and as cool as possible.
There are 8 areas on the map where you can perform tricks and earn 10, 20 or 30 points for each:
Top (from left to right):
1. Circle. To get 10 points fly outside the circle as close as possible to the green dots. To get 20 points fly outside and then inside the circle as close as possible to the green dots. To get 30 points your trajectory must be very close to the green dots in both cases.
2. Snake. To get 10 points fly through it. To get 20 points fly through it and back. To get 30 points your trajectory must be very close to the straight line in both cases.
3. Tunnels. To get 10 points fly through 1 tunnel. 20 points for 2 tunnels. 30 points for all 3 tunnels.
4. Sieve. To get 10 points fly through 1 "wall". 20 points for 2 walls in a row. 30 points for 3 walls in a row.
Bottom (from left to right):
1. Vertical snake. Same as regular snake.
2. Starbound. Spin around every star to get 10 points. Repeat it twice to get 20 points. Repeat thrice to get 30 points.
3. U turn. 10 points for 1 turn. 20 points for 2 turns. 30 points for all turns.
4. Bubbles! Spin around every orange dot to get 30 points. Spin around any 4 dots to get 20 points. Spin around any 3 dots to get 10 points.
Note: you can fail between tricks, but you can't fail during a trick if you are going to get 20 or 30 points. The only exception is "U turn". You can try to make them as many times are you want
Points and bonuses: if you get 30 points for a trick then you will get 2x points for the next trick. You won't get any points for doing a trick twice. Also you won't need to specify your score when submitting a replay, I will do it for you
You must complete at least 3 tricks!Use 1 worm and start anywhere you want (but I recommend the center).
Have fun!