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Academy of Artillery #1

Cup #1188, Viewed 12954 Time(s)

Basic Information

3.63 / 5
Total Members Voted: 11
3 days
29 days
39 days
Name: Academy of Artillery #1
Type: Public
Game type: 1vs1
Created: March 10, 2023, 06:20 PM

Cup scheme(s): scheme Hysteria, scheme BnG, scheme Forts K, scheme Grenade Wars K, scheme Aerial K
Click on the book to download the scheme. Click on the scheme name to view the scheme page.

Signups time: March 10, 2023, 06:30 PM


Academy of Artillery #1


All matches are 'Best of 5'.

Players can agree on which scheme to play first, the loser gets the next pick, then alternate until someone reaches 3 wins first.

If players can't agree on first pick, play 'Comet Dodging' to decide who gets first pick, then alternate.

Map choice and style is decided by the player who picked the scheme, opponent cannot refuse the pickers map choice.


If a draw happens on a mutual pick, both players must agree to a new scheme, they can however agree to the same scheme again.

If a draw happens when a player picked the scheme, that scheme goes back into the available schemes to pick and the other player gets to pick the next scheme from whatever is left to pick from.

Live Streams:

It will be mandatory that the Semi-Final and Final matches will be scheduled in advance and streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/WormsArmageddonCWA

All other matches are optional though appreciated if you can organize for them to be streamed.

If possible, I would like to stream every single match live.

If you are interested in competitive matches for Worms Armageddon, join our Discord where we're focused on all aspects of competitive WA:

-----> CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR DISCORD - Competitive Worms Armageddon <-----


There will be deadlines set for each stage, there will be no extensions.

Group Stage - 4 weeks
Playoffs Quarter Finals - 2 weeks
Playoffs Semi Finals - 2 weeks
Playoffs Final - 2 weeks

It is each players responsibility to organize their matches before the deadline.

Organizing your matches within the official Cup thread takes priority over all other forms of communication with your opponent when judging who will proceed due to unfinished matches.

Though players can organize their matches outside of TUS if they wish.

Prize Pool:

1st - £20

2nd - £10

3rd - £5


Schemes & Scheme Rules:

Aerial K / Edited Scheme / TUS Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-5052/

BnG / TUS League Scheme / TUS Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-992/

Forts K / Edited Scheme / No Invading / Standard Size Mapshttps://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-5048/

Grenade Wars K / Edited Scheme / No Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-5049/

Hysteria / TUS League Scheme / TUS Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-16/

Cup Medals:


Deadline: May 10, 2023, 12:00 AM


Bronze Match





Deadline: April 11, 2023, 12:00 AM

Group 1

Country Player Groups Total Won Lost
U Xrayez 3 3/9 0 #1
G vesuvio
3 2/8 1 #2
B FoxHound 3 1/5 2
A Mr-gusa 3 0 3
Games [6]Notes [3]

Group 2

Country Player Groups Total Won Lost
N StJimmy 3 2/8 1 #2
P KinslayeR 3 2/8 1
SA Mega`Adnan 3 2/8 1 #1
R kirill470
3 0/1 3
Games [6]Notes [8]

Group 3

Country Player Groups Total Won Lost
U Rocket 3 3/9 0 #1
M Jago 3 2/6 1 #2
F VoK 3 1/7 2
U stoner6 3 0/2 3
Games [6]

Group 4

Country Player Groups Total Won Lost
R Zwitter
3 3/9 0 #1
US TheWalrus 3 2/8 1 #2
P Ledan 3 1/5 2
G Big Billy 3 0 3
Games [6]

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Signups open! Let's see if people still enjoy artillery schemes!

Edit - If PayPal / Steam Gift is unacceptable, you can choose to donate your winnings somewhere, be it TUS or an official charity/organization.


what happens if someone breaks a rule of some scheme?
for example, BnG has some rules...
hysteria does not have but sometimes some are established as No telecow. In hysteria will we play with or without rules?


If there's gonna be changes in Aerial scheme (more competitive one with sudden death, 3sec mines etc.) let us know. I'd like to join.

One of the best medals I've seen, btw. Gj


12 players so far, nice, there are only 4 spots left as there is a 16 player limit! Get your spot while you can!

Quote from: Mr-gusa on March 11, 2023, 02:50 AM
what happens if someone breaks a rule of some scheme?
for example, BnG has some rules...
hysteria does not have but sometimes some are established as No telecow. In hysteria will we play with or without rules?

The rules are stated in the Cup description as follows:

Schemes & Scheme Rules:

Aerial K / Edited Scheme / TUS Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-5052/

BnG / TUS League Scheme / TUS Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-992/

Forts K / Edited Scheme / No Invading / Standard Size Mapshttps://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-5048/

Grenade Wars K / Edited Scheme / No Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-5049/

Hysteria / TUS League Scheme / TUS Rules / https://www.tus-wa.com/schemes/scheme-16/

There is a link to each scheme description page, follow the rules on those pages, if there are no rules, then there are no rules.

Quote from: Sensei on March 11, 2023, 06:57 AM
If there's gonna be changes in Aerial scheme (more competitive one with sudden death, 3sec mines etc.) let us know. I'd like to join.

I've uploaded a modified version of the TUS League scheme with 2 changes:

3 second mine fuse instead of random fuse.
At sudden death the water rises at medium speed.

I actually prefer those settings myself and believe that's how the League scheme should be. Random mines is too much luck.

Edit - I've updated the Cup description, you may wish to re-read it to make sure you are up to date.


Sorry for the double post, usually I would edit the previous post though some people may skip it without seeing the following information.

Anyone who has already downloaded 'Grenade Wars K' will need to download it again, the scheme has been updated with a few changes:

There are no dud mines anymore.

Mine fuses are 1 second instead of random.

Water rise is on medium speed.

Download it here:



Quote from: Mr-gusa on March 11, 2023, 02:50 AM
hysteria does not have but sometimes some are established as No telecow. In hysteria will we play with or without rules?

Competitive Hysteria has no rules whatsoever, as some rules are very difficult to enforce. For instance, there's a lot of ambiguity in terms of what constitutes the worm order abuse/manipulation.

I prefer no rules in competitive Hysteria. This avoids unnecessary drama. It just takes some time to learn to counteract those tactics.


Quote from: Xrayez on March 11, 2023, 07:27 PM
I prefer no rules in competitive Hysteria. This avoids unnecessary drama. It just takes some time to learn to counteract those tactics.

Having no rules is the very thing that makes Hysteria balanced.

If you play without the ability to pile, it becomes highly RNG based with starting placements, because if you lose a few worms at the start, you cannot use worm order manipulation to come back.

The fact it has no rules makes it one of the most adaptable and skilled schemes there is.

While it may annoy some people when someone decides to just plop all their worms at the start, this is not inherently a good tactic because:

  • You need to be good enough to make sure you do it right.
  • If your opponent is good enough to counter it, you're shooting yourself in the foot.

Then there are the players who decide to hide low at one side and just wait for nice wind to zook. This is also a tactic that may or may not be a good choice because:

  • Again, you need to be good enough to actually take advantage of it.
  • It's not difficult to hide from being shot.
  • Your opponent can just force Sudden Death.

The funny thing to me is that, piling and suicide is one of the fundamental strategies of the entire Worms franchise, it's extremely important for keeping matches balanced via good strategy and mechanical skills. I've seen players who complain about piling & suicide in Hysteria be completely happy to enjoy using those tactics in other schemes, that doesn't add up to me. :D


dang, this sounds fun. it would have been nice to participate
good luck everyone!
Mole shopper is the worst thing in the world.


Don't forget that there is a scheme that doesn't have rules and works very well to avoid the rotation strategy SPAM (spam spam spam!)



Quote from: FoxHound on March 12, 2023, 12:30 AM
Don't forget that there is a scheme that doesn't have rules and works very well to avoid the rotation strategy SPAM (spam spam spam!)


It is a good scheme and fun to play though it is not Hysteria. It has worm select which dramatically changes what is and is not possible. While it solves "worm order manipulation" in your context, it creates other problems because of that.

It still includes RNG based on random placement, which cannot be countered with piling due to worm select.

It is still unbalanced and luck based compared to classic no rules Hysteria. As you can only save 1 worm each turn(unless you are doing self-damage which moves worms).

If you get 3-4 horrible easily ploppable positions(which is not as uncommon as one might think), while you spend those turns trying to save your worms, your opponent can use theirs killing a few. That is a major advantage to the player with better starting positions, you can't bully your way into claiming some of their positions with counter piling.

Now, you could make Selecsteria have manual placement to counter the above mentioned problem, but then that just gives a major advantage to the player with the first turn. The beauty of no rules Hysteria in that context is regardless of starting positions, whether you are first or second turn, it's just balanced. I've never seen a game either player cannot win with skill and good execution of strategy. There is a counter to everything if you are good enough. I cannot say the same for any other variation of Hysteria that exists, that I know of.


It seems we're stuck on 13 players for now, I was planning to leave the signups open for about a week anyway.

If you know anyone who might enjoy this Cup, who enjoys artillery schemes, hook them up!


Komi cup with shooter schemes?  Let's go!

Hysteria without telecow lacks depth.  That's my two cents.  It's not perfect but it's better than selectsteria or other variants.  Don't understand why it's so hated, it really introduces a great equalizer into the scheme to counter hysteria's biggest problem, beginning worm placements.



Good luck & have fun everyone!

Remember to schedule your games in advance, in this thread if possible!

It would be great to stream as many games as possible!

Join our Discord server if you want to follow any and all streams:

-----> CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR DISCORD - Competitive Worms Armageddon <-----