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Game #236747, Viewed 208 Time(s)

Academy of Artillery #1
Knockout, Round 2
May 05, 2023, 09:05 PM

Gained 5 points

Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
0 - 1
2 - 1
Information Cup name: : #1188: Academy of Artillery #1
Cup scheme(s):
#5052 Aerial K
#992 Bazooka and Grenade
#5048 Forts K
#5049 Grenade Wars K
#16 +LG

Game Result: 3:2
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 592 time(s).
2560 x 2088, PNG, 185.09 KB, Downloaded 405 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Hf
[thewalrus] glhf
[Zwitter`nlF] hfgl
[Xrayez`NAFO] funs
[thewalrus] nice
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] ooh
[thewalrus] time to get pounded
[TdC`Komito`a2a] I am so excited for this match lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Saved by the spikes
[TdC`Komito`a2a] He must have had rings
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns!
[Xrayez`NAFO] n1
[thewalrus] mein
[thewalrus] mein
[thewalrus] mein
[Xrayez`NAFO] :O
[thewalrus] oooh
[thewalrus] saved
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vn
[Xrayez`NAFO] :O
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[thewalrus] good
[Xrayez`NAFO] t
[Xrayez`NAFO] Such is the way
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[Xrayez`NAFO] n
[thewalrus] it was a 4
[thewalrus] ill take it though
[Xrayez`NAFO] aw
[thewalrus] aww
[thewalrus] wanted to tele that worm
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[thewalrus] 1 turn too early
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] was debating lg there
[thewalrus] i think it just shoots your worm up top though
[thewalrus] not the one i wanted
[thewalrus] best i could do
[thewalrus] woo
[Xrayez`NAFO] ::D
[thewalrus] figured
[thewalrus] that would be both
[thewalrus] lol
[thewalrus] adjust
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Wow lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty
[thewalrus] well done
[thewalrus] touch shot
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Trick shot haha
[thewalrus] nt
[TdC`Komito`a2a] nt
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] whenever ive tried a telecow in this scheme
[thewalrus] it hasnt worked
[thewalrus] serves me right
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[Xrayez`NAFO] aw
[TdC`Komito`a2a] LOL
[Xrayez`NAFO] last moment reaim
[Xrayez`NAFO] sin!
[Xrayez`NAFO] hmm
[thewalrus] f@#! i gtg be back in 5 mins
[thewalrus] i resign this game
[Xrayez`NAFO] :O
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Eh
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Just put skip go on then?
[TdC`Komito`a2a] For 5 minutes?>
[TdC`Komito`a2a] That would be a horrible way for this series to start
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Just giving away a win lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] If he put afk on
[TdC`Komito`a2a] It would stop water from rising
[Xrayez`NAFO] Indeed
[Xrayez`NAFO] He's doomed. :P
[TdC`Komito`a2a] That would be severely disappointing
[TdC`Komito`a2a] All this hype, for a surrender lol
[Xrayez`NAFO] I could continue throwing grenades at walrus though :P
[TdC`Komito`a2a] I've been waiting for this matchup since the cup started
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Then he just gives a match away xD
[TdC`Komito`a2a] THis is where waiting plays in his favour now
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Don't skip
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Just let time run out
[thewalrus] srry
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ah he's back
[TdC`Komito`a2a] You can continue
[thewalrus] i did something dumb
[thewalrus] had to fix
[TdC`Komito`a2a] You could have put afk on btw
[TdC`Komito`a2a] It would have stalled SD
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nt
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] didnt think
[thewalrus] i had to leave the house
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Lol
[thewalrus] shit
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Transfers lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] NICE
[Xrayez`NAFO] :O
[thewalrus] whee
[thewalrus] damn
[thewalrus] brutal turn rotation
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Lucky turn rotation there
[Xrayez`NAFO] ehehe
[thewalrus] great when you can just open and attack again
[thewalrus] i should try this method
[thewalrus] you must show me sometime
[thewalrus] mmm
[thewalrus] thats bad
[thewalrus] im so dead if this 61 worm can go every turn
[thewalrus] jesus
[thewalrus] not earning this
[TdC`Komito`a2a] WOw lol
[Xrayez`NAFO] :OO
[thewalrus] mine?
[Xrayez`NAFO] :OO
[thewalrus] woo
[Xrayez`NAFO] phew
[Xrayez`NAFO] progress
[thewalrus] lol
[thewalrus] this strategy sucks
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[Xrayez`NAFO] wild
[thewalrus] now this is a real target for you
[TdC`Komito`a2a] nt
[thewalrus] nt
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] ooo
[TdC`Komito`a2a] oooo
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Indeed
[Xrayez`NAFO] ;)
[thewalrus] oh
[thewalrus] oh no
[thewalrus] anywhere but there
[thewalrus] lol
[thewalrus] nt
[thewalrus] i give up?
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Goida worm stuck lmao
[thewalrus] whew
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Wheeeeeee
[Xrayez`NAFO] owe
[thewalrus] close
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[thewalrus] oo
[Xrayez`NAFO] :O
[TdC`Komito`a2a] So close lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[Xrayez`NAFO] owza
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Perfect push wow!
[Xrayez`NAFO] hmm
[thewalrus] gg
[thewalrus] thought i still had a tele!
[Xrayez`NAFO] wow
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Wow!
[Xrayez`NAFO] xd
[thewalrus] NO
[thewalrus] why bro
[Xrayez`NAFO] gg
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gg...
[thewalrus] gg
[thewalrus] whyyyyyyyyy X
[Xrayez`NAFO] xddd
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Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Hf
[Xrayez`NAFO] funs
[thewalrus] glhf
[thewalrus] oi
[thewalrus] never played on this res
[thewalrus] bl there
[TdC`Komito`a2a] What res you on today?
[thewalrus] oh nice
[thewalrus] 2440xwhatever the other number
[thewalrus] im usually 1920x1080
[thewalrus] but i never had a monitor like this when i play before
[thewalrus] oof
[thewalrus] you still have a nice roof
[Xrayez`NAFO] ^_^
[Xrayez`NAFO] ns
[thewalrus] lucky
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vn tranny
[thewalrus] transfer and not bounce
[thewalrus] wrong hide X
[TdC`Komito`a2a] You didn't reaim properly there
[thewalrus] reconsider please
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gotta move 45 degrees
[thewalrus] oh sorry
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Too used to greande wars ahaha
[thewalrus] got used to GW
[thewalrus] yas
[TdC`Komito`a2a] No wind!
[Xrayez`NAFO] finally
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[thewalrus] shit no reaim again
[thewalrus] jaja
[thewalrus] ooh wind just barely doable?
[TdC`Komito`a2a] VNS
[Xrayez`NAFO] :O
[thewalrus] that was pretty perfect
[thewalrus] open and dmg
[thewalrus] oof underpower
[thewalrus] hat
[thewalrus] ooo windy
[thewalrus] looks like a lot of rust
[thewalrus] both
[TdC`Komito`a2a] N1
[thewalrus] barely
[Xrayez`NAFO] ow
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vfns!!!
[thewalrus] nice
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty ty
[TdC`Komito`a2a] I guess you might have to finish this another day then if not done?
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Still Still 5 days left
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[thewalrus] wowz
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns!
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] pro manuver
[TdC`Komito`a2a] My favourite shot as well
[TdC`Komito`a2a] That wind
[TdC`Komito`a2a] One of my most accurate as well
[thewalrus] i f@#!ed myself
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[thewalrus] dont have an angle with that torch
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[thewalrus] whee
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[thewalrus] whew
[thewalrus] my land
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nice
Xrayez`NAFO digging
[thewalrus] damn
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[thewalrus] shouldnt have tried
[thewalrus] ha
[thewalrus] !
[thewalrus] that spot
[thewalrus] damn
[thewalrus] poorly done
[thewalrus] epic bad
[thewalrus] was that 3 or 4 bar
[thewalrus] i played it like 3 but now im second guessing what it was
[Xrayez`NAFO] xdd
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[thewalrus] oooo
[thewalrus] thought that was good
[thewalrus] damn
[thewalrus] im getting hit here
[TdC`Komito`a2a] N push
[Xrayez`NAFO] phew
[thewalrus] gj
[thewalrus] hmm
[thewalrus] my winds are wayyyy offf
[thewalrus] good chance there to adjust
[thewalrus] this should be dead on
[thewalrus] nope 1 off
[thewalrus] brutal
[thewalrus] our zooks suck lol
[thewalrus] amateur hour
[thewalrus] i swear we used to be good
[Xrayez`NAFO] true
[thewalrus] you seem to be good at hitting where i am
[thewalrus] just continue as normal
[TdC`Komito`a2a] I was just showing the TUS ERA#1 BnG standings
[TdC`Komito`a2a] TheWalrus was #4 just behind Random00
[thewalrus] i dont even know how you get to those
[TdC`Komito`a2a] 83.62% win ratio
[Xrayez`NAFO] oh, then I'm doing pretty decently in relation to Walrus :D
[thewalrus] 83% ass to mouth ratio
[TdC`Komito`a2a] You guys sort of went cold in last 5 minutes lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] You both done amazing first 20-30 minutes
[Xrayez`NAFO] Cold outside the window, that's true
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Beautiful bounces
[thewalrus] stopped the wind
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Haha yeah
[thewalrus] 8
[thewalrus] gg
[Xrayez`NAFO] gg
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[TdC`Komito`a2a] gg
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 5 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Hf
[Xrayez`NAFO] funs
[thewalrus] not what i wanted at all
[thewalrus] was hoping it would not be that worm
[thewalrus] lol
[thewalrus] wrong button
[Xrayez`NAFO] lol
[thewalrus] lol
[thewalrus] vbl
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Wow!
[thewalrus] well damn
[Xrayez`NAFO] hmm
[thewalrus] f@#!
[thewalrus] that drop
[thewalrus] nice
[Xrayez`NAFO] oO
[thewalrus] fd
[thewalrus] son of a
[thewalrus] had some sort of double in my mind
[Xrayez`NAFO] wild
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[thewalrus] ty
[Xrayez`NAFO] ::O
[thewalrus] oh no
[thewalrus] 2nd wrong way
[thewalrus] that was gg
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Wow, nice wep lol
[thewalrus] yeah nice cr8
[Xrayez`NAFO] phew
[thewalrus] ops
[thewalrus] gg
[Xrayez`NAFO] omg
[Xrayez`NAFO] bl
[Xrayez`NAFO] gg
[TdC`Komito`a2a] LMFAO
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, BIT, 3.59 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Hf
[Xrayez`NAFO] funs
[thewalrus] wow'
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] what an amazing shot
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty
[thewalrus] good good
[TdC`Komito`a2a] vns
[thewalrus] very good
[Xrayez`NAFO] tanx
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns return
[Xrayez`NAFO] vn
[Xrayez`NAFO] nt
[thewalrus] sigh
[Xrayez`NAFO] good open?
[thewalrus] yes
[thewalrus] top open
[thewalrus] well
[thewalrus] shit
[Xrayez`NAFO] n1
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[thewalrus] sonofa
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Byew bye zook
[Xrayez`NAFO] phew
[Xrayez`NAFO] :O
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[Xrayez`NAFO] g1
[thewalrus] ty
[thewalrus] bl there
[thewalrus] pixel off
[thewalrus] wow
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[thewalrus] almost got behind him
[thewalrus] bunnies
[thewalrus] wanted to do full power but lost my shit instead
[Xrayez`NAFO] lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Wtf lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] VNS
[Xrayez`NAFO] xD
[thewalrus] skillful
[thewalrus] well done
[thewalrus] i like
[Xrayez`NAFO] luck is skill
[thewalrus] wild
[thewalrus] !
[Xrayez`NAFO] xdd
[thewalrus] nbt
[TdC`Komito`a2a] nt
[thewalrus] aaaaa
[thewalrus] lol
[thewalrus] oh wind
[thewalrus] fgdfdgfd
[Xrayez`NAFO] wild
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[thewalrus] it was full power all along
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nice retreat
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nt
[thewalrus] scary
[Xrayez`NAFO] true
[Xrayez`NAFO] gg
[thewalrus] omg
[thewalrus] worst case scenario
[thewalrus] that was so unluckyu
[Xrayez`NAFO] gg
[Xrayez`NAFO] xdd
[thewalrus] damn
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Forts it is!
[thewalrus] GG
1920 x 696, BIT, 20.48 KB, Downloaded 8,737 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Komito`a2a] hf
[Xrayez`NAFO] funs
[TdC`Komito`a2a] gl
[Zwitter`nlF] hfgl
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[thewalrus] ns
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty
[Xrayez`NAFO] lol invade
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Lmfao nice one
[Xrayez`NAFO] he must return to his fort right? xd
[thewalrus] yes i must return
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Yeah
[TdC`Komito`a2a] He can do it during his turn though
[thewalrus] whee'
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[h3oCharles] ns
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty
[Xrayez`NAFO] omg
[Zwitter`nlF] wow
[thewalrus] wild
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns, almost plop! Wow
[Xrayez`NAFO] I didn't see the shot
[Xrayez`NAFO] xd
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns thoughj
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty ty
[Xrayez`NAFO] hmm
[Xrayez`NAFO] n
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Nice sheep, for once lol
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Almost got in for the plop!
[thewalrus] yaaa pixels
[thewalrus] oops
[thewalrus] oh ffs
[thewalrus] this terrain is so dark
[thewalrus] never saw that
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[Xrayez`NAFO] t
[thewalrus] ok
[thewalrus] im hoping the terrain is gone
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty
[thewalrus] oh
[thewalrus] rough
[thewalrus] ns
[Xrayez`NAFO] :}
[Xrayez`NAFO] nt
[thewalrus] oh
[thewalrus] going for it
[Xrayez`NAFO] aw
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vbl with cluster spread
[Xrayez`NAFO] ns
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns!
[thewalrus] awww
[thewalrus] man
[thewalrus] brutal miss
[Xrayez`NAFO] ow
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Wow so lucky LMAO
[thewalrus] out of worm select?
[thewalrus] i think
[thewalrus] oh
[thewalrus] one last
[thewalrus] i knew you used a few
[Xrayez`NAFO] phew
[Xrayez`NAFO] could be worse
[thewalrus] worm order was wrong for that
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[Xrayez`NAFO] damn
[thewalrus] f@#!
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[Xrayez`NAFO] t
[thewalrus] porrly done
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[Xrayez`NAFO] t
[Xrayez`NAFO] ns
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Vvvns
[thewalrus] gg
[Xrayez`NAFO] gg
[Xrayez`NAFO] ty
[Zwitter`nlF] D:
[TdC`Komito`a2a] Omg what
[Xrayez`NAFO] xdd

Paradise - THeDoGG