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Game #37237, Viewed 588 Time(s)

team17 for all #4
Group 1
August 27, 2010, 06:49 PM

Gained 5 points

Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
4 - 2
2 - 0
6 - 2
Information Cup name: : #83: team17 for all #4
Cup scheme(s):
#118 team17 cup

Game Result: 1:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
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1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 20 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] essa vale tudo ou so o CECW?
[ps`campzito] ah éé
[ps`campzito] vao fazer valeis os 2
[ps`campzito] pq agnt nao ta se achando
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] ?
[ps`campzito] tus e cwc
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] oks
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] kcete
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] YEAH
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] aww
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] kcete
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] noob
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] affff
[ps`campzito] nt
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] nooo
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] ty
[ps`campzito] xD
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] lol
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] ...
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] lol
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] aw
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] no morreu..
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] merda
[ps`campzito] bah
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] affff
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] na credito
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] fuuu
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] gj
[ps`campzito] t
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] awwww
[ps`campzito] gg
[ps`campzito] xD
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] nice weapons
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] gg
[ps`campzito] tinha bala magica ainda
[ps`campzito] :D
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] lol
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] so itnha pombo
[`wcS`ThOuSoN] hasuhsa
[ps`campzito] oaasuehase