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Game #40122, Reported by Ray, Viewed 963 Time(s)

Group 4
September 30, 2010, 10:09 PM

Gained 5 points

Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
H Ray
1 - 0
H Ray
1 - 0
Information Cup name: : #85: WxW CÛP
Cup scheme(s):
#8 Wall to Wall

Game Result: 2:1
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 1334 time(s).
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1920 x 696, BIT, 12.56 KB, Downloaded 18 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
RS`Rocket`cRxPH hf
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] knew it
[CF-Ray] bl mate
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] omg
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] enter
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] not space lol
[CF-Ray] oww
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] bl
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] =
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] vn
[CF-Ray] thanks
[CF-Ray] but I think you can come out
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] no lol
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] wtf
[CF-Ray] xD
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] whopps
[CF-Ray] god dammit...
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] !!!
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] xD
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] gg
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] vbl
[CF-Ray] ..............
[CF-Ray] ^кы^ы~^651432
1920 x 696, BIT, 6.89 KB, Downloaded 9,053 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
RS`Rocket`cRxPH hf
[CF-Ray] I can't believe I could lose that game...
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] just vbl
[CF-Ray] out of shape a little :)
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :)
[CF-Ray] cannot focus
[CF-Ray] heh
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] omg
[CF-Ray] 21
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] eek
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] wind =
[CF-Ray] I love playing against you haha, you always make me do my best
[CF-Ray] you are a worthy opponent :P
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] hah same to you
[CF-Ray] gj
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] t
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] n
[CF-Ray] thanks
[CF-Ray] too bad
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :(
[CF-Ray] :O
[CF-Ray] thats vbl
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] vn
[CF-Ray] hah, thanks, it was lovely how it ended in that tiny hole XD
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] aaak
[CF-Ray] ew :
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] I'm not so ood as you
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] yet :)
[CF-Ray] I wouldn't say that
[CF-Ray] in the last game you absolutely dominated
[CF-Ray] now you are not too focused imo
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] how long do you play?
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] bl
[CF-Ray] 3-4 years now
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] and I'm 2.5 :)
[CF-Ray] and how old are you?
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :(
[CF-Ray] oww
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] slow space
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] lol tricks
[CF-Ray] you can do better than that ;)
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :)
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] xD
[CF-Ray] such a waste XD
[CF-Ray] ouch!
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] ^^
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] lol
[CF-Ray] these were my first 2 weapons rofl
[CF-Ray] I was keeping them for later ^^
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] eek
[CF-Ray] NICE+!
CF-Ray [Is Ray capable of messing up a completely won game... AGAIN!?! You will see after the break!]
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] xD
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] vn xD
RS`Rocket`cRxPH [break]
[CF-Ray] gg
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] gg
[CF-Ray] 1-1
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] yuppi :)
CF-Ray says PHEW!
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, BIT, 10.5 KB, Downloaded 28 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] hf
[CF-Ray] now this is a REALLY tough map
[CF-Ray] this one I think is harder than the previous ones
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] yes
[CF-Ray] especially
[CF-Ray] that part
[CF-Ray] whoa, really nice try
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] ^^
[CF-Ray] that would have been an awesome hit
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :(
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] gj
[CF-Ray] nice
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] t
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] vn
[CF-Ray] thanks
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :(
[CF-Ray] ow noo!!
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] aw
[CF-Ray] little mistakes were enough
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :(
[CF-Ray] aw dude
[CF-Ray] focus!
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] f
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] n1
[CF-Ray] I am getting warm I think ^^
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] c'mon!
[CF-Ray] ;<
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] its not a fina;
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] I'm too bad
[CF-Ray] you are not bad, you are great, you just don't focus properly
[CF-Ray] and also I think you are nervous
[CF-Ray] and you also overestimate the map
[CF-Ray] see? :)
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :))
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] maybe
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] hm
[CF-Ray] gj kinda ^^
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :)
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] maybe I'm too young for being pro as you :)
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] vbl!
[CF-Ray] lol you are not man :D
[CF-Ray] and I'M no "pro"
[CF-Ray] uh ohh
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] OO
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] how? =o
[CF-Ray] rofl XD
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] oO
[CF-Ray] there are plenty of players who are much better than me, trust me
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] weeee
[CF-Ray] I'm not bad, but I can't sompete with some of the people out there
[CF-Ray] compete*
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] ok Isee
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] :(
[CF-Ray] *-*
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] how old are you?
[CF-Ray] I just turned 20
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] and I'm 16 =D
[CF-Ray] I only started playing when I was 17
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] aww pump
[CF-Ray] you are pretty damn good for your age btw!
[CF-Ray] most 16 years old are just FreesTylerzo00rz etc
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] thanks mate
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] gg
[CF-Ray] good games!
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] ty for games
[RS`Rocket`cRxPH] cya
[CF-Ray] thanks u2
[CF-Ray] bye

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Tough games, as always against Rocket! The second one was really hard to win, after the first game - which I lost - I was a bit worried. Third game's map was pretty damn hard also, love playing against you man! :)