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* Cups

Game #53496, Viewed 651 Time(s)

Group 4
January 30, 2011, 07:37 PM

Gained 5 points

Lost 5 points

Game Rate
5 / 5
Total Members Voted: 1
Players history
1 - 1
1 - 1
Information Cup name: : #117: hYst3Ri4
Cup scheme(s):
#16 +LG

Game Result: 1:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 389 time(s).
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 14 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] bo3?
[dC`Chelsea] bo1
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] k
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] gayness
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] telecow alllowed?
[dC`Chelsea] yes
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] k
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :o
[dC`Chelsea] ;/
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] so if i win what happens
[dC`Chelsea] you will report this game in this cup
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] ok
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] and when will be next round
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] crap
[dC`Chelsea] games in group
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] ajá
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] but can it be tomorrow for example?
[dC`Chelsea] 2 weeks you have to play your games
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] ah perfect
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] lol bl
[dC`Chelsea] damn shit
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] idem =(
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] ready for tleecide
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] xD
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] tele*
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] bl
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] gay! xD
[dC`Chelsea] ;p
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] f@#! this shit
[dC`Chelsea] lol
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] hmm
[dC`Chelsea] awww
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] go down!
[dC`Chelsea] omg
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] 1 .,.
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] shitty
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] lol
[dC`Chelsea] ;/
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] gu
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] gut
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] so cups are all vs all?
[dC`Chelsea] yes
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :l
[dC`Chelsea] i beated domi few minutes ago
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] k
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :O
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] gay xD
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] shit
[dC`Chelsea] nooo
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :P
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] pfff
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] suckness
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] hmm
[dC`Chelsea] ;/
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] +
[dC`Chelsea] ^^
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] oh shittt
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :P
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] .,.
[dC`Chelsea] gg ?
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] i suppose
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :o
[dC`Chelsea] nope
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] die!
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :l
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] f@#! this shit
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] gg
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] easy
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :o
[dC`Chelsea] lol
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] f@#! this crap
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] i need a ns
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] hmm
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] need another 1
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :o
[dC`Chelsea] omg
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] nt? xD
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] gg
[dC`Chelsea] nooooo
[UIS`WowwoW`TGH] :)
[dC`Chelsea] -_-