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Game #61923, Viewed 698 Time(s)

Shoppa :)
Knockout, Round 1
March 23, 2011, 10:34 PM

Gained 5 points

Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
4 - 0
4 - 0
Information Cup name: : #128: Shoppa :)
Cup scheme(s):
#141 Shopper

Game Result: 2:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 855 time(s).
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1920 x 696, PNG, 52.57 KB, Downloaded 49 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[aNgus`bp] hf
[TdC`Husk`ea] youtwo mate
[TdC`Husk`ea] hmmm not sure where the plops are lol
[aNgus`bp] indeed xD
[aNgus`bp] evilzs map
[TdC`Husk`ea] yeaaa =P
[TdC`Husk`ea] took it because it looks good XDDD
[aNgus`bp] looks xD
[aNgus`bp] wo0t
[TdC`Husk`ea] woot
[TdC`Husk`ea] O=
[TdC`Husk`ea] blbl
[aNgus`bp] i dunno what but today isnt a good day
[aNgus`bp] xd
[TdC`Husk`ea] I got this feeling, that tonight is gonna be a good night XD tonight is gonna be a good good night
[TdC`Husk`ea] nice
[aNgus`bp] hell
[TdC`Husk`ea] ouch xD
[TdC`Husk`ea] heh good block? XD
[aNgus`bp] bohh
[aNgus`bp] man rofl
[TdC`Husk`ea] xDDDD
[TdC`Husk`ea] this match is cluster f@#! lol
[aNgus`bp] hmm
[aNgus`bp] lulz
[TdC`Husk`ea] eeek
[aNgus`bp] hah
[TdC`Husk`ea] heh XD
[TdC`Husk`ea] 't worked!
[TdC`Husk`ea] hmmm XD
[TdC`Husk`ea] its hot
[aNgus`bp] jesus
[TdC`Husk`ea] o hi
[TdC`Husk`ea] ok impossible to escape from there XD
[aNgus`bp] hahe
[aNgus`bp] hum
[TdC`Husk`ea] eeeek
[TdC`Husk`ea] aww
[TdC`Husk`ea] nice
[aNgus`bp] bohh
[aNgus`bp] this map is so weird
[aNgus`bp] gg
[TdC`Husk`ea] xDDDDDD
[aNgus`bp] :o
[TdC`Husk`ea] wheew
[TdC`Husk`ea] eeek XD
[TdC`Husk`ea] heh
[aNgus`bp] zol
[TdC`Husk`ea] lol
[TdC`Husk`ea] gg
1920 x 696, PNG, 155.29 KB, Downloaded 1,278 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Husk`ea] ze fun
[TdC`Husk`ea] alot of interesting roof hides O=
[aNgus`bp] hfh
[TdC`Husk`ea] floor there
[aNgus`bp] pflfol
[TdC`Husk`ea] o hi
[aNgus`bp] :|
[TdC`Husk`ea] heh XD
[TdC`Husk`ea] bl retreat X:
[aNgus`bp] ;x
[TdC`Husk`ea] weee
[TdC`Husk`ea] bl X:
[TdC`Husk`ea] pixel rape lol
[aNgus`bp] but
[aNgus`bp] mannnn
[aNgus`bp] nd
[aNgus`bp] nd
[aNgus`bp] nd
[aNgus`bp] d
[aNgus`bp] d
[aNgus`bp] ùèfkpo
[aNgus`bp] é
[TdC`Husk`ea] uhm
[aNgus`bp] +
[TdC`Husk`ea] vbl
[aNgus`bp] rofl
[TdC`Husk`ea] xDDDDD
[aNgus`bp] ;|
[TdC`Husk`ea] woah
[TdC`Husk`ea] the hell O=
[aNgus`bp] i get angry when i saw the weapon
[TdC`Husk`ea] blbl
[aNgus`bp] so i kick random
[aNgus`bp] xD
[aNgus`bp] nvm
[aNgus`bp] :p
[TdC`Husk`ea] heh
[aNgus`bp] ok im done
[TdC`Husk`ea] hav u posted replays for showcase 3 yet?
[aNgus`bp] ye
[TdC`Husk`ea] cool
[aNgus`bp] report it mate ;| i go play some warmer
[TdC`Husk`ea] hide XD
[TdC`Husk`ea] ok mate
[TdC`Husk`ea] ggs
[aNgus`bp] g
[TdC`Husk`ea] see ya around
[aNgus`bp] bb