The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Cups and Tournaments => Cups and Tournaments Comments => Topic started by: TheKomodo on March 10, 2023, 06:31 PM

Title: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 10, 2023, 06:31 PM
Signups open! Let's see if people still enjoy artillery schemes!

Edit - If PayPal / Steam Gift is unacceptable, you can choose to donate your winnings somewhere, be it TUS or an official charity/organization.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on March 10, 2023, 07:39 PM
NAFO forces are ready to bonk. :D

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Mr-gusa on March 11, 2023, 02:50 AM
what happens if someone breaks a rule of some scheme?
for example, BnG has some rules...
hysteria does not have but sometimes some are established as No telecow. In hysteria will we play with or without rules?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Sensei on March 11, 2023, 06:57 AM
If there's gonna be changes in Aerial scheme (more competitive one with sudden death, 3sec mines etc.) let us know. I'd like to join.

One of the best medals I've seen, btw. Gj
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 11, 2023, 01:38 PM
12 players so far, nice, there are only 4 spots left as there is a 16 player limit! Get your spot while you can!

Quote from: Mr-gusa on March 11, 2023, 02:50 AM
what happens if someone breaks a rule of some scheme?
for example, BnG has some rules...
hysteria does not have but sometimes some are established as No telecow. In hysteria will we play with or without rules?

The rules are stated in the Cup description as follows:

Schemes & Scheme Rules:

Aerial K / Edited Scheme / TUS Rules /

BnG / TUS League Scheme / TUS Rules /

Forts K / Edited Scheme / No Invading / Standard Size Maps /

Grenade Wars K / Edited Scheme / No Rules /

Hysteria / TUS League Scheme / TUS Rules /

There is a link to each scheme description page, follow the rules on those pages, if there are no rules, then there are no rules.

Quote from: Sensei on March 11, 2023, 06:57 AM
If there's gonna be changes in Aerial scheme (more competitive one with sudden death, 3sec mines etc.) let us know. I'd like to join.

I've uploaded a modified version of the TUS League scheme with 2 changes:

3 second mine fuse instead of random fuse.
At sudden death the water rises at medium speed.

I actually prefer those settings myself and believe that's how the League scheme should be. Random mines is too much luck.

Edit - I've updated the Cup description, you may wish to re-read it to make sure you are up to date.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 11, 2023, 07:14 PM
Sorry for the double post, usually I would edit the previous post though some people may skip it without seeing the following information.

Anyone who has already downloaded 'Grenade Wars K' will need to download it again, the scheme has been updated with a few changes:

There are no dud mines anymore.

Mine fuses are 1 second instead of random.

Water rise is on medium speed.

Download it here:


Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on March 11, 2023, 07:27 PM
Quote from: Mr-gusa on March 11, 2023, 02:50 AM
hysteria does not have but sometimes some are established as No telecow. In hysteria will we play with or without rules?

Competitive Hysteria has no rules whatsoever, as some rules are very difficult to enforce. For instance, there's a lot of ambiguity in terms of what constitutes the worm order abuse/manipulation.

I prefer no rules in competitive Hysteria. This avoids unnecessary drama. It just takes some time to learn to counteract those tactics.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 11, 2023, 08:15 PM
Quote from: Xrayez on March 11, 2023, 07:27 PM
I prefer no rules in competitive Hysteria. This avoids unnecessary drama. It just takes some time to learn to counteract those tactics.

Having no rules is the very thing that makes Hysteria balanced.

If you play without the ability to pile, it becomes highly RNG based with starting placements, because if you lose a few worms at the start, you cannot use worm order manipulation to come back.

The fact it has no rules makes it one of the most adaptable and skilled schemes there is.

While it may annoy some people when someone decides to just plop all their worms at the start, this is not inherently a good tactic because:

Then there are the players who decide to hide low at one side and just wait for nice wind to zook. This is also a tactic that may or may not be a good choice because:

The funny thing to me is that, piling and suicide is one of the fundamental strategies of the entire Worms franchise, it's extremely important for keeping matches balanced via good strategy and mechanical skills. I've seen players who complain about piling & suicide in Hysteria be completely happy to enjoy using those tactics in other schemes, that doesn't add up to me. :D

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Gabriel on March 11, 2023, 10:05 PM
dang, this sounds fun. it would have been nice to participate
good luck everyone!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: FoxHound on March 12, 2023, 12:30 AM
Don't forget that there is a scheme that doesn't have rules and works very well to avoid the rotation strategy SPAM (spam spam spam!)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 12, 2023, 12:46 AM
Quote from: FoxHound on March 12, 2023, 12:30 AM
Don't forget that there is a scheme that doesn't have rules and works very well to avoid the rotation strategy SPAM (spam spam spam!)

It is a good scheme and fun to play though it is not Hysteria. It has worm select which dramatically changes what is and is not possible. While it solves "worm order manipulation" in your context, it creates other problems because of that.

It still includes RNG based on random placement, which cannot be countered with piling due to worm select.

It is still unbalanced and luck based compared to classic no rules Hysteria. As you can only save 1 worm each turn(unless you are doing self-damage which moves worms).

If you get 3-4 horrible easily ploppable positions(which is not as uncommon as one might think), while you spend those turns trying to save your worms, your opponent can use theirs killing a few. That is a major advantage to the player with better starting positions, you can't bully your way into claiming some of their positions with counter piling.

Now, you could make Selecsteria have manual placement to counter the above mentioned problem, but then that just gives a major advantage to the player with the first turn. The beauty of no rules Hysteria in that context is regardless of starting positions, whether you are first or second turn, it's just balanced. I've never seen a game either player cannot win with skill and good execution of strategy. There is a counter to everything if you are good enough. I cannot say the same for any other variation of Hysteria that exists, that I know of.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 13, 2023, 01:35 PM
It seems we're stuck on 13 players for now, I was planning to leave the signups open for about a week anyway.

If you know anyone who might enjoy this Cup, who enjoys artillery schemes, hook them up!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on March 13, 2023, 07:25 PM
One spot left, fellas. One. ;)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on March 13, 2023, 08:25 PM
Komi cup with shooter schemes?  Let's go!

Hysteria without telecow lacks depth.  That's my two cents.  It's not perfect but it's better than selectsteria or other variants.  Don't understand why it's so hated, it really introduces a great equalizer into the scheme to counter hysteria's biggest problem, beginning worm placements.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 13, 2023, 08:29 PM

Good luck & have fun everyone!

Remember to schedule your games in advance, in this thread if possible!

It would be great to stream as many games as possible!

Join our Discord server if you want to follow any and all streams:

-----> CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR DISCORD - Competitive Worms Armageddon <----- (

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on March 13, 2023, 11:05 PM
I'm available at any time between 10:00-21:00 GMT and can play earlier in the morning if needed, taking into account the number of matches that may need to be played.

Feel free to choose any time within the specified range.

However, please note that I may not be online at #AnythingGoes. If that's the case, you can contact me through this thread or "Competitive Worms Armageddon Discord Server" linked above.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 13, 2023, 11:37 PM
I've added an update to the rules regarding map choice. Someone pointed out that the way it was worded could give someone leeway to use NSFW maps.

So, no NSFW maps! Keep it clean please!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: FoxHound on March 14, 2023, 01:29 AM
Quote from: Xrayez on March 13, 2023, 11:05 PM
I'm available at any time between 10:00-21:00 GMT and can play earlier in the morning if needed.

Not sure if I can play at 21:00h GMT, because it depends on the traffic, there are days that I arrive home a bit more late than usual.

I can play all days from 21:30h GMT to 02:00h GMT. On mondays I can play any time except 14:00h-18:30h GMT. I can play thursdays before 14:00h GMT. I can play any time during saturdays or sundays.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on March 14, 2023, 12:36 PM
Quote from: FoxHound on March 14, 2023, 01:29 AM
Quote from: Xrayez on March 13, 2023, 11:05 PM
I'm available at any time between 10:00-21:00 GMT and can play earlier in the morning if needed.

Not sure if I can play at 21:00h GMT, because it depends on the traffic, there are days that I arrive home a bit more late than usual.

I can play all days from 21:30h GMT to 02:00h GMT. On mondays I can play any time except 14:00h-18:30h GMT. I can play thursdays before 14:00h GMT. I can play any time during saturdays or sundays.

FoxHound: There's no hurry, so let's arrange a game for Saturday at 18:00 GMT.

Perhaps Mr-gusa could join us as well, as he is in the same time zone.

vesuvio: we are reachable, so let's play. How about today/tomorrow at 16:00 GMT?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Rocket on March 14, 2023, 03:04 PM
To my mates blitzed, Phoenix13 and Jago:

I hope we can finish all games in our cozy Group 3 on time, though I may have some troubles finding a free time for that.
Anyway, my best and only gaming hours are 18:00-21:00 GMT. This schedule works for all days but Wednesday.
Please reach me at #AnythingGoes or here to arrange our matches  ;)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: KinslayeR on March 14, 2023, 05:06 PM
just to be clear: if my opponent pick hysteria , can I pick hysteria after?  coz he has choice and I have choice right?   we can pick between those 5 schemes. Or must we play every pick another scheme?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 14, 2023, 05:11 PM
Quote from: KinslayeR on March 14, 2023, 05:06 PM
just to be clear: if my opponent pick hysteria , can I pick hysteria after?  coz he has choice and I have choice right?   we can pick between those 5 schemes. Or must we play every pick another scheme?

Once someone wins a scheme, it can no longer be picked. It can only be picked again in the event of a draw, be sure to check the rules for what happens with draws in the Cup description!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Ledan on March 14, 2023, 05:47 PM
Zwitter, when can you play? I usually get my opponent's hours first before I offer mine.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: FoxHound on March 14, 2023, 10:50 PM
Quote from: Xrayez on March 14, 2023, 12:36 PM
FoxHound: There's no hurry, so let's arrange a game for Saturday at 18:00 GMT.

Ok for me. Scheduled.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 14, 2023, 11:00 PM
Quote from: FoxHound on March 14, 2023, 10:50 PM
Quote from: Xrayez on March 14, 2023, 12:36 PM
FoxHound: There's no hurry, so let's arrange a game for Saturday at 18:00 GMT.

Ok for me. Scheduled.

Excellent, will create an event on CWA!

Good stuff people! 2 games played already today, lots of people organizing their games, keep this up and people might actually think we're reliable! :D
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 17, 2023, 07:55 PM
Quote from: Ledan on March 14, 2023, 05:47 PM
Zwitter, when can you play? I usually get my opponent's hours first before I offer mine.

This Saturday or Sunday at 16:00 or later
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Ledan on March 18, 2023, 12:29 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on March 17, 2023, 07:55 PM

This Saturday or Sunday at 16:00 or later

That's good! Komito has said that a stream is possible 4pm GMT, today or tomorrow?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 18, 2023, 01:54 PM
Today is fine
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 18, 2023, 02:18 PM
It has to be tomorrow guys!

I told Ledan today is not possible because we have Xrayez Vs Mr-gusa at 3pm GMT and then Xrayez Vs FoxHound at 6pm GMT.

Tomorrow is perfect though at 4pm GMT! Please confirm, then I will schedule it in.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 18, 2023, 02:55 PM
How about later tonight? 8, 9 pm?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Ledan on March 18, 2023, 03:52 PM
That's not possible, sadly. Tomorrow?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 18, 2023, 04:00 PM
Ok, tomorrow
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 18, 2023, 04:22 PM
Excellent, Ledan Vs Zwitter confirmed for 19th March - 4pm GMT.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 19, 2023, 07:29 PM
I will not be able to Stream any matches on Sunday 26th March as I'm taking my parents for dinner.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 20, 2023, 02:46 PM
Big Billy, TheWalrus,

I can play from 22.03 till 27.03 at 15:00–22:00
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Big Billy on March 20, 2023, 04:33 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on March 20, 2023, 02:46 PM
Big Billy, TheWalrus,

I can play from 22.03 till 27.03 at 15:00–22:00

Yo. What about Wednesday 22.3. - About 18:00 GMT ?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 20, 2023, 05:39 PM
Quote from: Big Billy on March 20, 2023, 04:33 PM

Yo. What about Wednesday 22.3. - About 18:00 GMT ?

That's fine, see you there
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on March 20, 2023, 06:14 PM
I can only play after 21 gmt at the earliest, before then I am at work, I can wake up early to play like I am with ledan, 14 gmt

Ledan and I are playing starting tomorrow, might take a few days to finish depending on how fast I lose  :D
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 20, 2023, 07:13 PM
Quote from: TheWalrus on March 20, 2023, 06:14 PM
I can only play after 21 gmt at the earliest, before then I am at work, I can wake up early to play like I am with ledan, 14 gmt

21 is ok for me to start. Thursday?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on March 22, 2023, 04:25 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on March 20, 2023, 07:13 PM
Quote from: TheWalrus on March 20, 2023, 06:14 PM
I can only play after 21 gmt at the earliest, before then I am at work, I can wake up early to play like I am with ledan, 14 gmt

21 is ok for me to start. Thursday?
If I can be off by then, my job sometimes runs long at work and sometimes less, I'll try to get on snooper weekdays though and see if you are around.  Thurs I have an admission so I likely won't be around until 24-25 gmt.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on March 22, 2023, 04:26 PM
Offtopic, but grenade wars is probably my current favorite of these schemes and one of the reasons I played here, is there a good place to download some really large grenade wars maps?  The bigger the better, I have more fun with those.  I seem to remember some damian and xankriegor used to host that were great.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 22, 2023, 04:37 PM
Quote from: TheWalrus on March 22, 2023, 04:26 PM
Offtopic, but grenade wars is probably my current favorite of these schemes and one of the reasons I played here, is there a good place to download some really large grenade wars maps?  The bigger the better, I have more fun with those.  I seem to remember some damian and xankriegor used to host that were great.

Yeah Grenade Wars is so much fun! Up there with my favourite schemes of all time!

I have just made 3 new big Grenade Wars maps over the past few days, live on my stream as well, haven't uploaded them yet as I plan to make one for each level in Sonic the Hedgehog 1, then upload them all together.

Here's a little preview though:

Green Hill Wars:


Spring Yard Wars:


Labyrinth Wars:


There is the Super Mario Grenade Wars map I made in this pack, there are also a few other really big ones in there, as well as a bunch of shopper maps which are good.

-----> GRENADE WARS MAPPACK <----- (

I recommend looking at maps for other schemes as well, as they can work for Grenade Wars.

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on March 22, 2023, 06:57 PM
Quote from: TheWalrus on March 22, 2023, 04:25 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on March 20, 2023, 07:13 PM
Quote from: TheWalrus on March 20, 2023, 06:14 PM
I can only play after 21 gmt at the earliest, before then I am at work, I can wake up early to play like I am with ledan, 14 gmt

21 is ok for me to start. Thursday?
If I can be off by then, my job sometimes runs long at work and sometimes less, I'll try to get on snooper weekdays though and see if you are around.  Thurs I have an admission so I likely won't be around until 24-25 gmt.

I don't appear on wormnet now. We need to arrange the game for a specific exact time. I can play at 14:00 if it's more comfortable for you. Starting at 24 is too late for me
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on March 22, 2023, 09:20 PM
Ok like I told big bill 21 gmt usually is good on weekdays, busy today and tomorrow though, ill try to catch you soon!

If we dont see each other for a bit ill try and schedule for morning with you
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on March 22, 2023, 09:21 PM
Quote from: TheKomodo on March 22, 2023, 04:37 PM
Quote from: TheWalrus on March 22, 2023, 04:26 PM
Offtopic, but grenade wars is probably my current favorite of these schemes and one of the reasons I played here, is there a good place to download some really large grenade wars maps?  The bigger the better, I have more fun with those.  I seem to remember some damian and xankriegor used to host that were great.

Yeah Grenade Wars is so much fun! Up there with my favourite schemes of all time!

I have just made 3 new big Grenade Wars maps over the past few days, live on my stream as well, haven't uploaded them yet as I plan to make one for each level in Sonic the Hedgehog 1, then upload them all together.

Here's a little preview though:

Green Hill Wars:


Spring Yard Wars:


Labyrinth Wars:


There is the Super Mario Grenade Wars map I made in this pack, there are also a few other really big ones in there, as well as a bunch of shopper maps which are good.

-----> GRENADE WARS MAPPACK <----- (

I recommend looking at maps for other schemes as well, as they can work for Grenade Wars.
these maps look good, finish soon so i can use
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 22, 2023, 09:40 PM
Marble Wars:


Just 3 more to go!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 23, 2023, 01:21 PM
@TheWalrus @Zwitter

Your match is quite possibly the most exciting match in the entire Cup! Can you pretty please organize this in advance and make sure it's available to stream!

I don't care what day or time you guys organize it for, I will make sure my schedule revolves around your match!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 23, 2023, 07:33 PM
blitzed has been replaced with VoK.

I will message the players in Group 3 to update them of this situation.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Jago on March 24, 2023, 03:17 AM
Phoenix has not answered me for several days, I will contact Vok
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 24, 2023, 09:31 PM

You can download each map by clicking on each image!

Green Hill Wars:

( (

Marble Wars:

( (

Spring Yard Wars:

( (

Labyrinth Wars:

( (

Star Light Wars:

( (

Scrap Brain Wars:

( (

Special Wars:

( (
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: VoK on March 27, 2023, 06:26 PM
Best times for me is between 13:00gmt - 17:00gmt. any time ok in that frame Phoenix13 ?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Jago on March 29, 2023, 05:01 PM
I have not had a response from Phoenix13, does anyone have his discord or contact with him?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on March 29, 2023, 07:01 PM
Sorry I've been MIA, the company I work for sold to an outside buyer, so I am working long hours in the meantime to make myself indispensable.  Probably won't be able to play this week.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: KinslayeR on March 30, 2023, 04:32 AM
I would like to give my second place to Adnan,  coz in 2-3 weeks  I am leaving   to Scandinavia and I dont think this cup will finish untill then. Also if I dissapear in semi or even finals, that would suck hard.
I also noticed , that Adnan has exactly same rounds winning ratio as me:  8w/5l   so that should be fair
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 30, 2023, 01:13 PM
Quote from: KinslayeR on March 30, 2023, 04:32 AM
I would like to give my second place to Adnan,  coz in 2-3 weeks  I am leaving   to Scandinavia and I dont think this cup will finish untill then. Also if I dissapear in semi or even finals, that would suck hard.
I also noticed , that Adnan has exactly same rounds winning ratio as me:  8w/5l   so that should be fair

The truth is that you are actually #1 and Mega`Adnan #2.

Jimmy lost 6 rounds, while you both only lost 5 each, and since you beat Mega`Adnan, that puts you number 1. TUS System doesn't take lost rounds into consideration unfortunately. However proceeding players is done manually anyway.

Thanks for letting us know you won't be available.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: KinslayeR on March 30, 2023, 03:19 PM
Then lucky loser is Jimmy ;)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on March 30, 2023, 04:20 PM
I'm going to send Phoenix13 another message, I spoke with him a couple days ago and asked him to post in this thread to organize his matches.

If he doesn't reply by the time there are 10 days left I'll replace Phoenix13 with Stoner.

Also, congratz Jimmy! :D

Quote from: TheWalrus on March 29, 2023, 07:01 PM
Sorry I've been MIA, the company I work for sold to an outside buyer, so I am working long hours in the meantime to make myself indispensable.  Probably won't be able to play this week.

That leave you with 1 week left to play your other 2 games, at least you are keeping us up to date though!

Do you believe you will be able to play your other 2 games in time for the deadline?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on April 01, 2023, 09:22 AM
Phoenix13 has been replaced by Stoner.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: FoxHound on April 03, 2023, 02:41 PM
Vesúvio, we need to play soon, since I will not be available this weekend nor Friday that is holyday in Brazil. I'll be on a Music Festival, contacting with a waterfall and nature. So, we need to play this week before Friday.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on April 03, 2023, 02:44 PM
oki wanna play now : O ?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: FoxHound on April 03, 2023, 02:47 PM
I can play today, but not now. I will minister a lecture in about one hour. I can play at 18:30h GMT or later.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on April 05, 2023, 11:17 AM
So TheWalrus let's finish our game on Thursday or Friday, 21:00?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on April 05, 2023, 04:04 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on April 05, 2023, 11:17 AM
So TheWalrus let's finish our game on Thursday or Friday, 21:00?
Can't do, next tues 21 GMT I can.  Unfortunately, I have a big boy job now where I don't have much time to play in your time zone.  If you want to meet me at 25 GMT any weekday I can do that, but thats a bad time for Russia I'm sure, but best I can do.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on April 05, 2023, 04:20 PM
25 GMT, lol. Big boy job is where you bring big bones? I got a job too, and can't play in your time zone as well.
Ok, Tuesday, 11th at 21:00
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on April 06, 2023, 11:56 AM
thx game with foxhound is done
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on April 06, 2023, 03:29 PM
Mr Gusa plz let me know when you can play! I can play today at 16gtm and in the evening too !
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on April 08, 2023, 08:23 PM
Tuesday 11th April at 9pm GMT for the deciding round between TheWalrus & Zwitter confirmed!

It's the only match remaining, the score is 2:2, they only have Forts left to play!

I know this is after the deadline, however it's MY fault they didn't finish their match already as my internet dropped during the final round in Sudden Death for Forts! So for this reason and this reason ONLY they get the little extension!

If the match is not played then I'll make the technical win based on who shows up, or the existing Group results.

Good luck! See you then!


Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on April 12, 2023, 10:51 AM
StJimmy, let's play tomorrow at 6:00 PM GMT?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on April 12, 2023, 12:55 PM
Quote from: Xrayez on April 12, 2023, 10:51 AM
StJimmy, let's play tomorrow at 6:00 PM GMT?

Can you make it 6:30pm GMT please? I finish my workout at 6pm GMT so need 30 minutes to wash up then prepare stream.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on April 12, 2023, 01:15 PM
Quote from: TheKomodo on April 12, 2023, 12:55 PM
Quote from: Xrayez on April 12, 2023, 10:51 AM
StJimmy, let's play tomorrow at 6:00 PM GMT?

Can you make it 6:30pm GMT please? I finish my workout at 6pm GMT so need 30 minutes to wash up then prepare stream.

Fine for me, as long as StJimmy agrees to play at this time in the first place. :)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: StJimmy on April 12, 2023, 08:01 PM
Quote from: Xrayez on April 12, 2023, 01:15 PM
Quote from: TheKomodo on April 12, 2023, 12:55 PM
Quote from: Xrayez on April 12, 2023, 10:51 AM
StJimmy, let's play tomorrow at 6:00 PM GMT?

Can you make it 6:30pm GMT please? I finish my workout at 6pm GMT so need 30 minutes to wash up then prepare stream.

Fine for me, as long as StJimmy agrees to play at this time in the first place. :)

Definetly not this week, dude. Let's see about mb next tuesday night or weekend.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on April 16, 2023, 08:28 PM
Jago, can you play on Wednesday or Thursday at 20:00 or 21:00?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on April 18, 2023, 03:18 PM
Hi Adnan . I can play all Week and on weekend too ! from now on but today! from 17gtm to 21. just let me know when you would like to play !!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Mega`Adnan on April 18, 2023, 04:48 PM
I'm usually available from 16:30 GMT (15 GMT after 20 April) to 21 GMT.
I prefer 17-18 GMT as absolutely comfortable timezones.
Also need to know in what day Komodo would like to stream, so better plan in advance instead of saying "Let's do it now!" 8)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on April 18, 2023, 05:22 PM
maybe on friday ?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on April 18, 2023, 06:22 PM
Friday at 5/6pm GMT is good for me.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Mega`Adnan on April 18, 2023, 07:03 PM
Okay, Friday 5 PM (17) GMT good for me. You agree with this time vesu?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on April 18, 2023, 07:19 PM
yes cool
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Jago on April 19, 2023, 01:26 AM
Quote from: Zwitter on April 16, 2023, 08:28 PM
Jago, can you play on Wednesday or Thursday at 20:00 or 21:00?
What about Friday at 21GMT?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on April 19, 2023, 07:27 AM
Quote from: Jago on April 19, 2023, 01:26 AM
Quote from: Zwitter on April 16, 2023, 08:28 PM
Jago, can you play on Wednesday or Thursday at 20:00 or 21:00?
What about Friday at 21GMT?

Yea, acceptable
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on April 19, 2023, 12:21 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on April 19, 2023, 07:27 AM
Quote from: Jago on April 19, 2023, 01:26 AM
Quote from: Zwitter on April 16, 2023, 08:28 PM
Jago, can you play on Wednesday or Thursday at 20:00 or 21:00?
What about Friday at 21GMT?

Yea, acceptable

Excellent! I'll book it in!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Jago on April 20, 2023, 08:00 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on April 19, 2023, 07:27 AM
Quote from: Jago on April 19, 2023, 01:26 AM
Quote from: Zwitter on April 16, 2023, 08:28 PM
Jago, can you play on Wednesday or Thursday at 20:00 or 21:00?
What about Friday at 21GMT?

Yea, acceptable

OK excelent, so Friday 21GMT
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on April 23, 2023, 08:24 PM

You guys are awesome for making the deadlines on time!

Since this is a cash event I need to stick to the deadlines though, I hope you don't mind!

Semi-Finals will begin in 2 days! Get ready! :-*
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on April 27, 2023, 02:05 PM
Friendly reminder: I'm available from 8:00 to 21:00 GMT.

Hopefully, TheWalrus can find a suitable date to play our game. :)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on May 06, 2023, 10:48 AM
Good games with TheWalrus! Good luck for bronze! :)

The Finals are coming! :o

I was informed that we should arrange the finals on next Saturday evening (13/05/2023), 7 PM GMT.

Would that be convenient for you, Zwitter?

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on May 06, 2023, 11:08 AM
Quote from: Xrayez on May 06, 2023, 10:48 AM

I was informed that we should arrange the finals on next Saturday evening (13/05/2023), 7 PM GMT.

Would that be convenient for you, Zwitter?

I believe, yes. 90% yes. Probably on Sunday, 14th, same time, if no
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 06, 2023, 12:48 PM
7pm GMT on Sunday 14th is perfect if it's good for you both. 👍
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on May 06, 2023, 12:52 PM
Quote from: TheKomodo on May 06, 2023, 12:48 PM
7pm GMT on Sunday 14th is perfect if it's good for you both. 👍

If that's the case, then Zwitter wouldn't mind then, fine for me.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 08, 2023, 01:31 PM
Ok, that's you guys booked in and scheduled for Sunday 14th May 2023 at 7pm GMT!

Discord Event link:
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 21, 2023, 01:27 AM
Congratulations to the Cup winners!













I will contact winners to organize the prizes!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on May 21, 2023, 06:23 AM

Congrats to Zwitter, those were very close and chaotic games, he made his comeback! ;)

The finals reminded me of my previous game vs Zwitter at Power Hysteria cup in 2014 (

Hopefully, I have received extra points for my playing style... :D

In any case, my mission is accomplished. You can figure why I decided to play in this cup in the first place. Hopefully, the prize money will be spent on a righteous cause. ;D

The takeaway from this match is that you should never underestimate your opponent. But regardless of the result, I hope this symbolic match will motivate you to support the righteous cause with even more perseverance. :)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on May 21, 2023, 08:35 PM
Great cup with ridiculously competitive games, 3 out of my last 4 games went to game 5 against zwitter, Xrayez, and rocket.  Saw the tail end of game 5 in the final, will have to go back and watch the earlier games but seemed like a great series!  Thanks for hosting komo!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 24, 2023, 11:38 PM
So I've already paid TheWalrus & Xrayez their prize money.

I am having issues with Zwitter though.

Long story short, he believes it's my "duty" to "fulfill the contract" and sign up to a 3rd party website in order to send him PayPal payment. Something which was not covered in the Cup description, because honestly I thought everyone was intelligent enough to realize that "PayPal" means "PayPal" and not "PayPal via 3rd party website that uses PayPal as a means of payment".

I've told him I am not signing up to a 3rd party website, he has 3 options:

Steam Gift
Donation in his name to TUS or another organization.

He's now accusing me of scamming him, which is absolute BS because I am willing to send the prize money whenever he chooses one of the 3 methods I mentioned in the Cup description & first post of the Cup.

I'll write this once, and once only to make it as clear as possible:


You can accept the means of payment provided, or quite frankly, tough luck.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on May 24, 2023, 11:43 PM
I don't blame you, I definitely wouldn't sign up for some sketchy shit either

For zwitter: donate to TU$ like I did, MI can use the help!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 24, 2023, 11:55 PM
The thing is...  He's trying to use what I didn't say against me! From his perspective, because I didn't write that 3rd party websites aren't allowed, this must mean it's ok to do this...

I also didn't write Ariana Grande is waiting for me in bed tonight, that doesn't mean she's waiting for me in her birthday suit!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: FoxHound on May 25, 2023, 02:31 AM
For me this is the same as winning a medal at the Olympic games and then refuse to stay on the podium, ask to send the medal to a cousin address in the middle of the ghetto of a far away place.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on May 25, 2023, 10:17 AM
Quote from: TheKomodo on May 24, 2023, 11:38 PM
I am having issues with Zwitter though.

Long story short, he believes it's my "duty" to "fulfill the contract" and sign up to a 3rd party website in order to send him PayPal payment. Something which was not covered in the Cup description, because honestly I thought everyone was intelligent enough to realize that "PayPal" means "PayPal" and not "PayPal via 3rd party website that uses PayPal as a means of payment".

If Zwitter asks you to use a third-party website, it likely means that he wants to avoid the economic sanctions imposed on his country (, for very obvious reasons.

Therefore, if you use a third-party service, you would most likely be violating those international sanctions. Honestly, Zwitter should have known about this for more than a year. What did he expect? I agree that it shouldn't be Komito's concern. I guess Zwitter won't agree to donate the prize money to a worthy cause either, so if I were you and Zwitter refused to accept the prize in one of the ways listed in your cup's description, and given Zwitter's guilt-inducing behavior, which does not promote good sportsmanship either, I would allocate that prize for the next AoA #2 cup, or any other similar cup.

Many respectable e-sport events expect and comply with economic sanctions and international laws nowadays. I wish I could say more here, but I strongly advise you not to violate international law, Komito. That's the least I can say here. Perhaps the cup's description should have also mentioned this for all countries that are affected by economic sanctions, just as a courtesy notice, but again, Komito is not obliged to do so.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: XanKriegor on May 25, 2023, 04:57 PM
AoA#2 cup prize or TUS donation seems to be best options here.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 04:50 PM
Here's the descussion in the PM with TheKomodo:

"Zwitter: Thank you for a great event, it was nice to take part in

My paypal account is now unavailable... Could you donate through this webpage?
It accepts paypal payments. You will need to register there. According to Google, it should be 1 991,44 RUB as of current exchange rates

Did you see my game comment that one of my replays I uploaded is wrong? Can it be replaced? Aerial game lacking

TheKomodo: Hello,

Sorry, I will not register on any 3rd party website.

On the Cup page there were 3 options:

PayPal - Direct PayPal Payment.
Steam - Steam Gift up to the balance of the prize money.
Donation - A donation made to TUS or another service in your name.


Zwitter: The cup rules say: "ALL PRIZES ARE PAID VIA PAYPAL OR STEAM GAME GIFT UP TO THE VALUE OF THE PRIZE MONEY". In case of PayPal option, it's not specified, whether it has to be a direct transfer or it can be a third party service. I stated that I choose the PayPal payment to myself.

The website link to which I gave you ( is a popular platform for creators in my country, like Patreon or OnlyFans. As I said before, now it is the only possible way for me to receive money from other countries online. The platform is safe. You can check reviews about it.

There is a contract. A participant takes the prize-winning place, and you give the reward. I completed my part in good faith, having spent much time, correcting my plans and activities for your request. Now I want from you no more than to execute your part of the contract.

TheKomodo: It says "paid via paypal or steam gift", not via "3rd party website".

Do you actually think it's ok to force someone to register to a 3rd party website? If I had to GO OUT OF MY WAY for an extra payment method for you, then I'd have to do it for everyone, and that is not fair.

It is YOUR responsibility to make sure the available methods of payment are acceptable to you. It is unacceptable you are trying to make me do something that I did not agree to do.

I've already paid the others, with no complaints.

Zwitter: It says "via PayPal", and that only means that there has to be a PayPal system transaction. Saying "not via "3rd party website" you add/change your own rules after the contract.

I do actually think what I offer is fair, because me and the other winners are in different conditions, as I am under sanctions, and can't use the same method others do. My offer does not violate the initial rules of the cup (without your current interpretation of them). There are surely no complaints, because people have no problems getting the money directly with PayPal account.

There are no people that I know to ask, and that would be YOUR responsibility to find them, because payment part is your part of the contract. You should have specified what you had meant by "PayPal". From what we have I find my offer absolutely legit, and there are no rational reasons for you not to follow it. Why the being nice principle had been lost? I really don't ask much there, and I have no other choice.

TheKomodo: If you cannot accept PayPal directly, or if a Steam Gift is unacceptable to you.

I can donate the money to TUS or another service which uses PayPal directly, in your name.

Those are the ONLY 3 options.

Maybe you could find someone who would use this service for you? I could send them your winnings, they could use that service for you? Is there anyone you would trust for this?

Of course it says "via PayPal" because it's a PayPal transaction!

I did not specify about 3rd party websites because I assumed everyone is intelligent enough to understand that by saying you would be paid by PayPal it means directly, not via some 3rd party website. It's YOUR fault for making that ridiculous assumption.

It's NOT my problem that Russia is under sanctions. So stop trying to make it my problem.

You have no idea how rude it is that you think that I should sign up to a foreign website.

I don't care whether it's safe or not, I am NOT signing up to 3rd party websites when it's the players responsibility to accept the same payment options as every other player involved.

PayPal means PayPal... It's madness to think I'd have meant anything else there. If I were willing to use 3rd party websites to send money with PayPal I'd have included a statement such as:

"If you cannot receive PayPal direct, don't worry, I'll happily sign up to some 3rd party website to send your money!"

However, the reality is, I did no such thing, and you actually thinking that I should sign up to another website is actually an insult to me.

I've put a lot of time and effort into planning these events, hosting them, creating maps for them, streaming them! AoA took over 100 of my hours! So that people like you can enjoy a professional quality event, which is something I didn't get to experience myself when I was an active player 10-20 years ago.

Trust me, I feel terrible that you cannot receive your payment directly with PayPal, this is why the donation option was there in the event that a player does not have a bank account or steam account.

If you cannot receive the money, donate it to a good cause, or to TUS, or something.

Please don't take it out on me, I do as much as I can possibly do for the WA community trying to make it better...

Zwitter: What you say now are excuses on the not specified rules argument. You keep providing me your subjective visions of your rules. You are insulting me with your value judgements and blaming me. You can feel whatever you want, but you must take the responsibility and follow your part of the contract.

You feel terrible, spent 100 hours for the cup and at the same time can't find 5 minutes to sign, send the money and delete your account. For no reason. You are insulting yourself with your attitude to this.

We are now not getting any step forward. I find your refuse of sending me the money as a scam. With the agreement of MonkeyIsland, I'll make this public soon in the cup topic."

TheKomodo: Don't worry, I'll do it for you."

TheKomodo's reason of not registering on the platform, according to his replies, is his egocentrism. He feels being hurt when someone tries to make him to do something. This is proved by him saying he didn't care about safety of the platform. This is irrational and not the right way to discuss anything.

@Xrayez, what laws you refer to? The sanctions are for companies and certain people state-related. They do not forbid ordinary persons, individuals, make international bank transactions between each other. Do you really suppose there are risks? There is actually a risk for me to sell money to other "unfriendly" countries, because my country's current laws are very repressive. Also, do you think I'm the one misbehavioring here? I refer to initial cup rules and explaining what it all means. What I get back is emotional something based on personal complexes. This is the reason I decided to make it public.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 27, 2023, 05:11 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 04:50 PM
TheKomodo's reason of not registering on the platform, according to his replies, is his egocentrism. He feels being hurt when someone tries to make him to do something. This is proved by him saying he didn't care about safety of the platform.

My reason of not registering on the platform is simple, because I choose not to and that's all you need to know, I don't even need a reason, though my actual reason is personal and none of your business.

You have never treated me as a friend with respect, you complain and act selfishly, so there is absolutely no chance on Earth I would take extra steps for you out of the kindness of my heart when you never show others the same courtesy.

You are incredibly selfish trying to coax someone to go extra steps for you because you didn't understand that PayPal means PayPal and not a 3rd party website.

Quite simply, it's your own fault. Let this be a lesson to you in future.

Quote from: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 04:50 PM
This is irrational and not the right way to discuss anything.

Based on your actions related to attempting to coax me into signing up to a 3rd party website. I don't think you have the slightest understanding of what "irrational" even means.

Edit - I will give you 1 year to accept the £20 with the methods I wrote in the description and first post of this Cup thread. After that, I'll just donate it to TUS in your name if I remember lol.

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on May 27, 2023, 05:24 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 04:50 PM
TheKomodo's reason of not registering on the platform, according to his replies, is his egocentrism. He feels being hurt when someone tries to make him to do something. This is proved by him saying he didn't care about safety of the platform. This is irrational and not the right way to discuss anything.

@Xrayez, what laws you refer to? The sanctions are for companies and certain people state-related. They do not forbid ordinary persons, individuals, make international bank transactions between each other. Do you really suppose there are risks? There are actually a risk for me to sell money to other "unfriendly" countries, because my country's current laws are very repressive. Also, do you think I'm the one misbehavioring here? I refer to initial cup rules and explaining what it all means. What I get back is emotional something based on personal complexes. This is the reason I decided to make it public.

First, as others explained, using a proxy to receive the prize was not covered in the cup's description, so this is non-negotiable. Period.

Second, considering that international sport events ban country aggressors worldwide, like UEFA (, you should be thankful to participate in this cup in the first place.

Taking into account above, what you said about alleged Komito's egocentrism... In Discord, you publicly said that you play for yourself. Who's an egoist here? :D

You said that you have very repressive laws in your country... Be reasonable and donate to a righteous cause to help the civilized world to eliminate the repressive regime, invest in your future. :P
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on May 27, 2023, 05:33 PM
guys just RELAX
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 07:26 PM

Personal reasons should not affect the decisions you make. This is incorrect and unprofessional. In modern world it's not how management works. If you take responsibility on something associated with money, you have to think about potential consequences and risks. It would be fine if sanctioned countries were banned from the rewards, but since it's not stated, we work with what he got. It's not selfish, it's what I have the right for with your rules. You say I don't understand what "PayPal" means. You say the only actual word. And in your universe it means more than the definition. I am acting in position of legacy only.

You may have the personal things to me. But don't you think I don't have the same? Do you think you are a soft kitty and must be respected for a priori? What did you for me to be treated as a friend? I personally made concessions for you accepting your movings of the match dates in this cup. I did not complain about improper maps you picked for my opponents, which increased the luck factor (if you don't realize the bad map complaint point). You keep the incorrect communication, insulting me.


If it's not covered, it means it's allowed until it's forbidden. That's how laws/rules work.

TheKomodo is not an legal entity/organization/company. It's incorrect to compare.

Talking about playing for myself, I only meant playing under neutral flag.

As I said before, I have serious risks now donating from myself.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 27, 2023, 07:48 PM
Zwitter - Why do you believe you deserve special treatment?
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on May 27, 2023, 07:50 PM
Quote from: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 07:26 PM
If it's not covered, it means it's allowed until it's forbidden. That's how laws/rules work.

TheKomodo is not an legal entity/organization/company. It's incorrect to compare.

You're trying to find a loophole which doesn't exist. :-[

Komito is a citizen of a civilized democratic country which condemns your country's military aggression. This is his money and he has the right to process his money in the way he wants.

By the way, I cannot even access the website you linked, you can figure out why.

Quote from: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 07:26 PM
Talking about playing for myself, I only meant playing under neutral flag.

As I said before, I have serious risks now donating from myself.

You don't have to reveal your identity in any way. That's the point: you could just privately ask Komito to donate the prize to any organization. You have absolutely no risk donating this way.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 10:08 PM

Why do you believe you can change my plans for several times during the cup and not being asked for the same once?


The website might be banned in your country, but it works in many other civilized democratic countries.

As for supporting anything, money walk across the world, since the economy is global and there are multiply transactions one after another. World trading and services are being kept. You never know where your money came from and where they will go. You can only calm yourself, you are paying not directly to where you wouldn't like to. I have already chosen that I want the money to be paid to me with whatever way possible.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 27, 2023, 10:57 PM
@Zwitter - What??
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on May 28, 2023, 12:22 AM
Zwitter, you are making a fool of yourself with your moronic interpretations, and bids for the intellectual high ground, when at the end of the day the payment methods were clearly stated.  The further you go, the more you double down on stupidity.  I wouldn't register for that weird shit to pay you either, I don't blame Komo.  Your false equivalency of paypal payment = a payment site that accepts paypal is purely ludicrous.  Your appeals to the legality of this is also laughable, good luck for your day in international court recouping your £20, maybe you could travel to scotland and have the local magistrate enforce the payment?  You would be laughed out of the building.  Or as an alternative, you could just just learn how to read?  You assume ambiguity when it is clearly not there. 

We are all dumber for even having to entertain this bankrupt dialogue, 180 degrees is the only way out of this for you. 
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 28, 2023, 04:52 AM
Quote from: TheWalrus on May 28, 2023, 12:22 AM
We are all dumber for even having to entertain this bankrupt dialogue

Honestly, this is why I feel so bad about this, the fact I feel I need to respond to this absolutely f***ing nonsense...

That and I feel genuinely bad because I want to pay Zwitter for winning the Cup, he played outstanding, nobody can deny that, it was a pleasure to watch him play so well. Though, f me, it's tragic the way this is being handled...

I am NOT signing up to 3rd party websites for anyone though.

Even my 10 year old little cousin told me it's ridiculous!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: MonkeyIsland on May 28, 2023, 05:12 AM
I suggest you all to cool it down. Zwitter has won some money and it is natural for him to try to get paid. It makes sense to ask for other ways to get paid, given the current sanctions situation. I know I would. At the same time Komo has every right to refuse. It's not Komo's job to find or comply with alternative ways.

Please stop attacking. This is going nowhere. Should I remind you that I've been dealing with sanctions all my life too? Did you know that TUS was hosted in an American company before 2011 and I got forced to move out? TUS also had another domain ( which got shut down because of the sanctions.

Komo said Zwitter has one year. That's plenty of time. I suggest Zwitter to find an exchanger in this period.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheWalrus on May 28, 2023, 06:40 AM
Quote from: MonkeyIsland on May 28, 2023, 05:12 AM
I suggest you all to cool it down. Zwitter has won some money and it is natural for him to try to get paid. It makes sense to ask for other ways to get paid, given the current sanctions situation. I know I would. At the same time Komo has every right to refuse. It's not Komo's job to find or comply with alternative ways.

Please stop attacking. This is going nowhere. Should I remind you that I've been dealing with sanctions all my life too? Did you know that TUS was hosted in an American company before 2011 and I got forced to move out? TUS also had another domain ( which got shut down because of the sanctions.

Komo said Zwitter has one year. That's plenty of time. I suggest Zwitter to find an exchanger in this period.
I agree, I went in too hard on zwitter, if he just said he wanted the money that would be one thing.  I think he's so triggering because he plays the victim while simultaneously demanding special treatment.  Reading comprehension issues?  Komo's fault.  I don't sign up for something and then expect someone else to figure out my own logistical issues.  His arguments are objectively idiotic - this is factual.  Yet I do feel bad for making it personal.  I'll see myself out.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Xrayez on May 28, 2023, 11:24 AM
I think I'll regret commenting MI's message regarding sanctions, given the fact that his country is supporting Zwitter's in a military aggresion against my country, but I just wanted to make this clear... I won't touch this topic ever again.

Quote from: MonkeyIsland on May 28, 2023, 05:12 AM
I suggest you all to cool it down. Zwitter has won some money and it is natural for him to try to get paid. It makes sense to ask for other ways to get paid, given the current sanctions situation. I know I would. At the same time Komo has every right to refuse. It's not Komo's job to find or comply with alternative ways.

Please stop attacking. This is going nowhere. Should I remind you that I've been dealing with sanctions all my life too? Did you know that TUS was hosted in an American company before 2011 and I got forced to move out? TUS also had another domain ( which got shut down because of the sanctions.

Komo said Zwitter has one year. That's plenty of time. I suggest Zwitter to find an exchanger in this period.

I haven't noticed anyone in this discussion making personal attacks, but rather criticizing actions. It may appear that way due to Zwitter's attempts to discredit anyone who disagrees with him on this topic. Everything else is a consequence and an appropriate reaction to Zwitter's leaps in logic and inability to accept the defeat reality.

I'd like to emphasize that the cup's rules remain the primary reason for Komito's refusal, not the sanctions. Zwitter has the right to receive the price indeed, but sanctions exist for a valid reason. Just because someone believes the sanctions are unjustified doesn't mean they lack significance. Since we're discussing ourselves, let me point out that I have a genuinely life-threatening reason to suggest that Zwitter donate his prize to help eliminate the root cause of those sanctions — it's very simple. All of Zwitter's sweeping generalizations about money are absurd in light of this fact; they are narrow-minded and self-centered (it's worth noting that Zwitter made similar remarks about Komito). One receives what one deserves.

Going back to the conversation that Zwitter posted. He asked:

Quote from: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 04:50 PM
Could you donate through this webpage?

Zwitter literally asked whether Komito could donate via 3rd party service. Komito rightfully refused.

Case closed. :D

Quote from: Zwitter on May 27, 2023, 10:08 PM

Why do you believe you can change my plans for several times during the cup and not being asked for the same once?

Again, ironically, you're being egoistic here, Zwitter. It's not just your plans that got changed. We both agreed to move the finals because of Komito's life circumstances. Giving your logic, I could also demand something from Komito, but I don't do this. So, giving you a whopping year to let you decide and/or find ways to get the prize is a more or less fair decision. But if Komito thinks that sanctions will be lifted within a year to get PayPal back in Russia, I highly doubt about it.

That's why I'm saying that donating the prize would be more appropriate under all moral considerations. Think twice before participating in an international prize cup knowing that your country is under sanctions. If I were you, I'd ask Komito beforehand, just as I did when I inquired about the possibility of donating the money to a charity before deciding to join the cup. You haven't done this, which means you were extremely presumptuous in believing that Komito would agree to use a third-party service for you to receive special treatment. In fact, many people in your country think similarly, as if the entire world owes them something, and they fail to recognize the cause versus effect of why they receive certain treatment... It's quite amusing. :D

That's all from me. :)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on May 28, 2023, 11:36 AM
 the hole world owes russia something :O right now Ukraine gets help from USA and Europe

xray is completly right with the fact that zwitter should have known about problems to receive this few money. and komito does not refuse to pay ! we are worms friends and no enemys.

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on May 28, 2023, 11:44 AM
marita hinterding :///
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 28, 2023, 12:30 PM
Oh THAT'S what he meant by changing plans... When we changed the date for one match for you guys.

To be fair, a few people changed the date of their match, it's normal in this game in this community.

Though I did ask if it was ok to reschedule and although it wasn't a welcome situation, you guys didn't actually mind.

Worst case scenario if you guys were unable to play after that date for good reason I'd have been fine with you just playing anyway without stream as it was MY fault for having to reschedule.

Anyway, like MonkeyIsland said, Zwitter has 1 year to find a solution, I'm a man of my word. If Korydex ever found a way to get a direct payment I'd give him his prize money from Twyst as well that he's still due!

Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Free on May 28, 2023, 01:52 PM
For sure this is Zwitters problem to solve not Komos. Dont you have a friend who has paypal and Komo could send it to him first and he transfers it to you?

If not, I have an virtual credit card which I could use to this safely and send it to you via that site and Komo then sends the money to my paypal.

If its okay to all parties just send me PM with the information about how and I'll do it.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 28, 2023, 02:05 PM
I'd be happy to do that if you don't mind Free, very kind of you! :-*
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: vesuvio on May 28, 2023, 02:07 PM
As i said we are worms friends and no enemy's . Nice thx free and komito let's go borderlands  :D
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: FoxHound on May 28, 2023, 02:28 PM
My suggestion: donate to TUS and be happy  :D

You might be able to display your account name with a different colour! Not sure if the value is enough for this, though.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: TheKomodo on May 30, 2023, 07:12 PM
Zwitter has received his prize money, case closed!

Thank you very much Free!
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: MonkeyIsland on May 30, 2023, 08:08 PM
Thanks you both Free and Komo. :)
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on May 30, 2023, 08:33 PM
Thanks to kindness of Free, to involvement of MonkeyIsland and everyone else participated.
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Kaleu on May 31, 2023, 12:43 AM
next time I can receive paypal payments and send to you using this website if you need
Title: Re: Cup #1188, Academy of Artillery #1
Post by: Zwitter on May 31, 2023, 11:40 PM
Quote from: Kaleu on May 31, 2023, 12:43 AM
next time I can receive paypal payments and send to you using this website if you need

Nice, Kaleu, thank you. Though I am going to do a break now, I need detox