Lol hey, play some Hysteria with me. ;p
Wenas Ghostly..... Opa, yo jugare seeeee....
How long does it take for this cup to be approved? D:
Probably a lot of time, since there are already too many Public Cups running, also, Hysteria has just recently been hosted. Personally, I only see a slim chance of this cup being started at all. :(
Awww that sucks. :O
But i'll wait. D:
Another Hysteria cup, cool thing.
Hahah yea. still remmeber me Inza? I tried out for your dP clan, and I hope this cup will be approved. been waiting for 3 days. D:
I don't want more than 10 public cups open, so whack some slow cup players with a stick to get them to play their games :)
Lol ok. -Goes and take an stick and start whacking them with the stick- Hurry up please. D:
When is my game going to be approved? D:
Yeah, I remember you, Ghost.
what about rules?how many worms,games bo1,bo3?
@ rules!
Come on Ghosty :c
What you want the rules to be. huh? D: D:::::::::::
""" Rules: No telecowing/jet cowing please, 4 worms, """
rofl.that must be a joke dude ???
> <
just watch this topic and see what is the opinion of 95% of the community about that "cow" stuff^^
and uzurpator and the others means by rules:the number of games(bo1/3/5) and worms per team...that's all ^^
I think it's bo5. Lol
Sorry, It's my first time I hosted an CUP before so I quit not shure about stuff right now. :/
how many players u want?
Se eu gritar WCs ... o que vcs respondem????
I think all games should be bo3, or group stage bo3 and knockout bo5.
But anyway gropu stage must be bo3 :/
Quote from: Krezo on July 02, 2010, 09:14 AM
I think all games should be bo3, or group stage bo3 and knockout bo5.
But anyway gropu stage must be bo3 :/
btw` Krezo...time for revange xDDDDDDD
Quote from: ghostly on July 02, 2010, 02:40 AM
Sorry, It's my first time I hosted an CUP before so I quit not shure about stuff right now. :/
Please do explain.
Quote from: Csongi on July 02, 2010, 10:38 AM
btw` Krezo...time for revange xDDDDDDD
sure ;) this will be good cup. Many good players joined
20, lets start now
Quote from: Krezo on July 02, 2010, 12:02 PM
Quote from: Csongi on July 02, 2010, 10:38 AM
btw` Krezo...time for revange xDDDDDDD
sure ;) this will be good cup. Many good players joined
i don't want be agin with you and Phantonn !!!
You Phanton and Titahemp and Hakcsh in 1 group now :D 8)
Phew....I made it in time!
Wait wait wait... Group should be bo3, and knockout should be bo5?
What does Bo1/bo2/bo3/bo4/bo5 is anyways? D:
Sorry this is my very first cup I hosted, so my first time.
Quote from: ghostly on July 02, 2010, 07:51 PM
Wait wait wait... Group should be bo3, and knockout should be bo5?
What does Bo1/bo2/bo3/bo4/bo5 is anyways? D:
Sorry this is my very first cup I hosted, so my first time.
you can put bo3 in groups and bo5 in knocks
to D_Wormkiller, Camperz, Dmitry85, ghostly since i dunno when i have time i do like to play those games tomorrow, ill be around all evening,
if u want add me on msn tiagoferreira19713(at)hotmail(dot)com
Quote from: ghostly on July 02, 2010, 07:51 PM
What does Bo1/bo2/bo3/bo4/bo5 is anyways? D:
bo1 - best of 1 game -> game to 1 win
bo2 - lol ?
bo3 - best of 3 games -> game to 2 wins
bo4 - lol ?
bo5 - best of 5 games -> game to 3 wins
My group is hard but group 3 is group of death !!!
Quote from: ghostly on July 02, 2010, 02:37 AM
I think it's bo5. Lol
bo3 is more then enough, change it pls...
Group 2
when we will go mark ours games?
in my profile has my msn
i am ready!
only 16 hours to play all matches: lolwut?
To people of my group: add me to msn. My contact is or skype (d.callegari)
Today is not my day since because i just came back from work and all so i am really tired, so during the weekands i'll do pretty fine because I don't have work at weekands. D:
So please be patient. D:
Quote from: ghostly on July 03, 2010, 12:54 AM
Today is not my day since because i just came back from work and all so i am really tired, so during the weekands i'll do pretty fine because I don't have work at weekands. D:
So please be patient. D:
Don't worry, friend. We can play whenever you want, but consider I'm an Italian so we could have problems about time! =P
I am going to start it soon. :p
@ : Description:
4 worms, bo3, and in knockout bo2
DUDE:best of 2 doesen't exists xDD
KO = bo2 ????xDDDDDDDDDD
Bo3 = win at least 2 out of 3 games
Bo5 = win at least 3 out of 5 games
Bo7 = win at least 4 out of 7 games
... you get the idea. Bo2 doesn't exist indeed.
Group 2
when we will go mark ours games?
in my profile has my msn
i am ready!
Lol I already changed it, so yeah... D:
Quote from: Murilo MB on July 04, 2010, 02:56 AM
Group 2
when we will go mark ours games?
in my profile has my msn
i am ready!
Relax dude xD u can see me kinda often @ ag ... just leave a pm ^^ ;)
Lol, have your play Hysteria cup yet with your group? apparently the only person I played in my group is Camper, and right now tyring to find my other group to play with but they aren't online. D:
ghostly wanna play now?
im on ag!
Darnet! give me your usernames in WA.. give me them and tell me when can you play other players... D wormkiller and the other players i haven't play yet. D:
Vc no aparece Morilo gay ^^
Quote from: ghostly on July 05, 2010, 01:04 AM
Darnet! give me your usernames in WA.. give me them and tell me when can you play other players... D wormkiller and the other players i haven't play yet. D:
I added you to msn. Tonight (for Italian time), if you're here, we can play. And I lost against beer. Because you can't beat beer! XD
Yeah... The only best person in our group so far is Beer, and Camper.D:
ROFL~ Group 1 haven't even play each other yet....
They need to start soon.... because 2,3, and 4 is almost done, and Group 1 haven't even started their cup yet. D:
I can't meet any1 from my group....
Quote from: Chelsea on July 06, 2010, 05:18 PM
I can't meet any1 from my group....
what u did for it? have u ever sent a pm? did u try msn? so what? ag? lol
Add them intoyour MSN or find your group's name in WormNet, like once2 3 and 4 are finished, we just going towait for group 1 to finish, and it may take an while, If you see one of yourgroup in wormnet just ask them to play cup with you, and I think Spaazi`tdc is usually on, you can ask him to play. D:
:/ Group 1 should start soon.I hope the group member are able to met/see/ or find each other in wormnet. At least they should add each other or message each other in TUS so that they can be notify to play the cup game. =o
Camperz, what you mean by Arrage your games.... like find other players to play with? D:
Quote from:–verb (used with object)
- 1. to place in proper, desired, or convenient order; adjust properly: to arrange books on a shelf.
- 2. to come to an agreement or understanding regarding: The two sides arranged the sale of the property.
- 3. to prepare or plan: to arrange the details of a meeting.
- 4. Music. to adapt (a composition) for a particular style of performance by voices or instruments.
Huh huh? you want me to tell them to find their group and play..?
That's a cup moderator's duty.
I know that, but I am at work, and I am on my lunch break, so yeah... when I get on i'll add the group 1 people in my MSN or message them on TUS telling them to play the hysteria cup. D:
Alrighty, I already message the group 1 members telling them that they should meet or message one another to play the Hysteria cup. Hopefully they can start it... Because 2 3 and 4 are almost finished. D:
Ok I'll give them by Friday for them to play an game, if I don't see an game report by group 1 I am replacing them with new members.. -.-
ANd I already sent them an message and added them. D:
Apologies for the off-topic but you got a serious a/an-weakness for an American. :P
What's that suppose to mean...? -_-
Agneau net is sux !!!
4 disconect !!!
Can your just please find your group 1 members and play? I already sented your group 1 members telling them to play with one another, and your still have by Friday before I replace your with another players..
Group 2
ShyGuy ZzZzZz :o
sry chelsea, my net sucked this night indeed
wasnt on purpose, now its ok! lets try to play soon
btw could u w8 to kik us lol
oki we havent reported any game but vs harcksch its 1/0 for him
i played 4 times vs chelsea coz of my sucky net
and spaazi asked me yesterday and chelsea yesterday but couldnt here
thx for ur underdstading, we will do the games as fast as we can!
Ok good, thanks. And please remember to report your games once your finished. ;p
csongi, all the cup that I played well and only you were doing this shit, I asked you to surrender the second fall and you refused, I'll kick your ass moron ^ ^
dude: stop posting this usless stuff everywhere on the site,go make a complaint in the cup complaints section :-\
Nah, you're afraid of losing to me, why do these things ...
Hi, ZiPpO!
I mean, Phanton.
morale of the story: either quit your whining/boasting or post up a complaint without all the unnecessary bullshit, please.
Chelsea 2:1 Spazi :D [1:0 1:1 2:1]
1st game vvvvvvvv hard :D
2nd game vvv bl
3rd game vvv easy :D
Chelsea 2:0 Neo
2 verry easy games :D
arrogant ne1? rofl
Quote from: Agneau on July 10, 2010, 05:55 PM
arrogant ne1? rofl
and 2:1 :D
no easy but no hard games :P
btw chelsea:if ppl click on "group events" under ur group,they can see what u posted there ^^
so that is kinda usless xDDD (no offense)
just kinda :d
Lol. =o Btw thank you Chelsea for playing with your group. ^_^
Quote from: ghostly on July 10, 2010, 09:47 PM
Lol. =o Btw thank you Chelsea for playing with your group. ^_^
t for host this cup ;)
;) that was good day :D 1 day and found 3 players from my group :D
Ok really... where is the rest of my group... I am going to add them... D:
go ghostly
Hey guys (this is for the member of my group) if your in my group my new nickname is for now on Gengar. But I am with a clan name Kor`Gengar`DoR I think... I am going to change my clan name into something else since that clan I used already been taken by somebody else... :/ BUt anyways my nickname in WormNet is now Gengar. ^_^ See your in wormnet... And please add my msn or accept the friend requests I sent your in MSn messanger....
ghostly , when we can play today ?
say ur nickname in #AG
Can you play right now..?
let's finish this!
I had enough of this...I messaged on tus/msn/ amd stayed up at like middle of the night trying to fimd my group and still Haven't seem them... Grrr...
remove ppl or something, its getting late. i do play this before i get inactive for life xDD so move on!!
Go finish games guys......zzzzz
Phanton we are waiting the GRUP A.
just one player. >:(
murilo,when can we play ?
playoff`s now pls :'(
Hey Dmitry, we need play to know who goes to KO.
I can play always between, 18:00 and 01:00 , please, said anything here.
tita vs phanton ;) cool :P
easy game 8)
mod, maybe start KO ?) o0
vai pensando que vai ser fácil tita..... uahsauhsaushasa só na sua cabeça de titanicccc :)
>:) hsaushaushausha ::)
is thinking it will be easy tita ..... uahsauhsaushasa only in your head titanicccc:)
hi dulek :)
when u want to play our game? ill be around today evening
Same here, I guess.
don't host cup if u cant w8 for the games to be played, not my fault if my opponents are in a different time zone and never see them on ag
i play at least 4 times in a week :|
fortunately spaazi took the place gj mate
agneau, sorry but its more like ' dnt join a cup if u have no time to do your games in time'...
beer maybe u dont have ur glasses on ur nose
i play 4 times in a week
a week=7 days
4/7 i would say i have time for the cup, dont u think?
Quote from: Agneau on July 27, 2010, 06:32 PM
beer maybe u dont have ur glasses on ur nose
i play 4 times in a week
a week=7 days
4/7 i would say i have time for the cup, dont u think?
calm down, read my post again
ah and then think ::)
go Chelsea, later or tomorow uahsuahsasa XDD ;D
hey. i won vs Spaazi 2-1..I reported like 3 times,advance me pls xD
if something is buged in the system,here are the replays ^^
The mod was supposed to proceed you :)
I deleted 2 of those reports, since you only need one
rofl d1
we really just need one report??
i always report at least 10 times to be sure :d:d
okay Đ1...
sry for the useless reports :D
Lol sorry that i cannot get on TUS-Wa for some reason on my computer. -_- it's really annoying though keep saying "error have occured while logging in, please check your cookie setting." So right now this is the reason I can replay to this message because I am at a Directron store computer, so I am asking MonkeyIsland to fix me right now, so please be patient. >.<
very, very lucky for me friend Chelsea xd
tita go play!
u play only wo tourneys and havent times play with me :)
i ask u, that play twice.
go titagay, play u gmae vs DM uhasuhasasasa
Proceeded Dmitry to next round since titahemp has said he is playing worms for a while.
Dmitry85 vs Csongi
tita, you just do not want to play worms because it will not take the poor little thing uahsauhsausa WO ...
uahaushausasa gl DM...
D1/MI could u proceed me ? :-*
go Csongi finish cup xd
ty for tourney :D
Get the finals done soon, sirs!
That way, the next cups can start :) (Including a whole new exciting hysteria cup!)
Quote from: Phanton on August 22, 2010, 07:46 PM
tita, you just do not want to play worms because it will not take the poor little thing uahsauhsausa WO ...
uahaushausasa gl DM...
a big childen. just this.
MOD, give me bronze cup :p
nice Dm xd congrat ^^
ok.finnaly finished the games with phanton
sry for not playing them earlier :P
nice Csongi congrat ^^
Csongi gj !
thx. ae ::)