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Ideas for version 3.9 and/or 4.0 update/patch.

Started by Edoardo Moretti, April 28, 2021, 11:22 PM

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Zalo the moler

Quote from: Boodle2003 on September 26, 2023, 10:25 PM
More requests:
-A photo mode (with the ability to add captions to photos)

that would be great and is very needed too


More update ideas to keep this thread relevant:

-Tank (put anywhere on map, active one turn after placement)
-Go-kart (acts similar to Tank, but smaller and faster and runs on walls)
-Built-in video recorder
-Convert replays to other formats
-Remappable key controls
-Controller support
-Change speed of Fast Walk
-Change amount of turns certain weapons last
-3D effects (Black hole, mushroom cloud, distant meteors, etc.)
-The sky goes black when Sudden Death occurs, regardless of colors
-Nuke takes out at least 30 health at first for all worms
-Nuke disables turrets, go-karts and tanks on the landscape
-Booby trapped crates automatically freeze team of worm who picked it up
-Ability to "roll the dice" in chat with varying effects
-Basketball (works similarly to Bowling Ball except it is light and bouncy)
-Anvils and Magnets can absorb electricity from Lightning Storm if hit, making them shock worms when touched
-Booby trapped Health and Utility crates
-Dud mines when struck by Lightning Storm explode anyway
-Lightning Storm blows up Oil Tanks
-Rails to attach go-karts to (includes loop-de-loops)
-Toggle dud missiles and grenades
-Killer Rabbit (attacks enemy worms at random and explodes manuallly or when timer runs out)
-Fishing Rod (picks up worms, crates and other objects while your worm remains stationary)
-Ninja Rope attaches to crates
-Sick Worms spread sickness to other Worms when touched
-Worm genders
-Toggle separate soundbanks for individual worms
-Specific individual worm details and hobbies
-N64 music pack
-Samurai Sword
-Toggle Worms 2 death animation
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.


Quote from: Boodle2003 on October 10, 2023, 03:31 PM
More update ideas to keep this thread relevant:

-Worm genders

my pronouns are: he/it/wormie/they/sexyhelicopter/wormfood

if someone misgenders me, prepare for a lawsuit. you can't hide behind no norwegian loopholes!



a living shoutbox and not some idiots writing football results

why never no1 tried to catch people play worms on tictoc for example with a video of it


Quote from: vesuvio on October 10, 2023, 04:16 PM
why never no1 tried to catch people play worms on tictoc for example with a video of it

Good idea tbh, if done properly could be a hit!


I know right! I love all of the ideas that should be coming to Worms Armageddon next update. I honestly got bored of playing the current version especially the inability to play Project X due to incompatibilities with said version, and I refuse to downgrade it.


Add a scheme option for FLIPwalking:

- Allowed
- Disabled
- Facilitated
- Automated (I would love to play with automatic Flipwalking even though would be just like playing with Fast Walk on all the time without needing to activate it). Walking speed bar like was suggested above would be interesting. I would still enjoy a lot more watching automated Flipwalking.


- Automated (there's no automated skipwalking, only facilitated).


-Flame throwers, Napalm Bombs, exploded crates and oil tanks and Petrol Bombs can melt Freeze off enemy worm
-Toggle double jump/backflip
-Lightning Strikes cannot resurrect enemy worm of user
-Toggle ghost worms to protect other worms (less damage for protected worm)
-Sky "snowflakes" can go upward like bubbles
-Paintball Gun
-Change length of Ninja Rope and/or Bungee
-If you have one worm left and on low health, weapon and utility crates containing Lightning Strike and Scales of Justice will automatically spawn near the worm on your turn
-"Go to Jail" spaces in Wormopoly
-"Chance" and "Community Chest" spaces in Wormopoly
-If you are a cow in Shopper, the game will automatically use Skip Go on one turn
-"Emotes" using the Home key
-Video recordings using Numpad 5
-Custom watermarks in recordings and screenshots
-More Landscape themes
-More importable landscape formats
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.



  • Be able to see "/arrows" (Crate Finder) effect during replays.
  • Be able to set Phased Worms settings more individually than it already is, for example:
    (this one would be perfect for Help The Sheep, my new scheme that will be released soon)


-Boxing Gloves (Similar to Fire Punch, but you don't jump upwards)
-Bowling Pin Strike
-Super Sheep Herd
-View Replays from Frontend
-Progress bar on Replays
-Mole Sheep (Super/Aqua Sheep upgrade that allows it to burrow through landscape)
-Replays don't automatically close the game when they end
-If a Worm dies, they can become Ghost Worms. As Ghost Worms, they can haunt the enemy and lower damage to ally Worms. If a Lightning Strike revives that Worm, their Ghost returns to their body.
-Priest Worm (Attacking this worm will summon a Lightning Strike that will hurt your Worm)
-Poison Arrow (Longbow upgrade)
-Gas Mask (Immunity to Nukes, Skunks and SBs)
-Buffalo of Lies
-Sticky Bomb
-Gas Canister
-Grenade Launcher
-Holy Hand Grenade Launcher (Grenade Launcher upgrade)
-Homing Pigeon Strike
-Possess (Ghost Worms can possess an enemy worm)
-Laser Gun
-Laser Tag (game mode)
-Nukes can melt Freeze off enemy worm
-Homing Eagle (Homing Pigeon upgrade)
-Safe (Anvil upgrade)
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.



Nice idea!

We need a new thread with only realistic ideas that have a chance of being implemented and approved by Team 17.  Things like new weapons I can't ever see happening.


Quote from: FoxHound on December 17, 2023, 03:24 PM
Extract graves and flags from replays.
Somebody want my mole flag and grave?  ;D
123  My teams use this, this, and this soundbanks.


Quote from: Danger135 on December 17, 2023, 08:58 PM
Somebody want my mole flag and grave?  ;D

no no, we definitely don't want to have anything to do with molestation :-\ :-\


Delay for crate spawns, or maybe a new type of sudden death option: Crate spawnings. I think this could be really interesting to a scheme. Early game without crates and only on late game you can find other weapons. This would be good for strategy and could help balancing some schemes. Crates can really help the game end sooner, that's why it could be good to see crates start spawning on Sudden Death, Either 1 crate per turn, or multiple crates per turn, or even Crate Shower effect.

Example: think on those schemes like Intermediate on caves or Quickdraw when both players are out of ammo for long range weapons, those games that players only darkside and wait for sudden death. Crates could really benefit to the game end sooner and to break those several turns shooting with shotgun on the terrain for nothing (skipping turn). Suddenly a scheme without crates could receive crates on Sudden Death. Suddenly a player could find an Aqua Sheep or a Homing Missile in a crate, to help finishing the enemy. Also with many crates on the map, more explosions can occur.

Scheme designers could set only weapons for sudden death to spawn in crates if this feature is on.

EDIT: Or maybe if a scheme already has crates since the beginning, the number of crates that would spawn after sudden death would increase, it would have the double of the number of crate spawns. It would be really fun to see a sudden death like this, much more interesting than earthquake every turn or mini armageddons every turn. It would be also easier to implement, I believe.