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Game #199594, Viewed 470 Time(s)

Free #25
Singles, Playoffs
October 20, 2015, 09:22 PM

Inexperienced 1182 in Aerial before the game. Gained 0|0 points

Absolute Beginner 975 in Aerial before the game. Lost 0|0 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: Aerial
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 489 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Sensei`hcp] hf
[Duke-Nukem] gl!
[Sensei`hcp] hmm
[Sensei`hcp] nt
[Duke-Nukem] haha
[Duke-Nukem] oh shit
[Duke-Nukem] good
[Sensei`hcp] ty
[Duke-Nukem] bitch
[Sensei`hcp] ye.. sheeps are like that
[Sensei`hcp] whaaat
[Sensei`hcp] f@#!ing nana!
[Duke-Nukem] ;/
[Sensei`hcp] haha
[Duke-Nukem] i wanted to hurt both
[Duke-Nukem] i dont remmember, i don't have to use jet pack, right?
[Sensei`hcp] ofc not..
[Sensei`hcp] no rules in this scheme
[Sensei`hcp] luka, igras li kako?
[Duke-Nukem] Luka Modric, good player
[Luka] pa solidno moglo bi se rec
[Luka] ali ovo prvi put vidin
[Sensei`hcp] ovo je blaza verzija hysterie
[Sensei`hcp] hysteria je 1 sec turn
[Luka] niti nisan igra
[Sensei`hcp] dalmatinac?
[Sensei`hcp] you do that when you have less worems
[Luka] meni najdraze normal intermediate
[Luka] je dalma
[Sensei`hcp] neka neka, ima nas!
[Sensei`hcp] kakav si s ropeom?
[Luka] kako bit host??
[Sensei`hcp] mozes hostati sa hosting buddyem
[Sensei`hcp] u glavni lobby upisi: !host intermediate
[Sensei`hcp] ili /hb host inter
[Luka] prosjecan
[Luka] najbolji san sa air strike
[Sensei`hcp] hahaha :D
[Luka] kako pogodi sa zoljon onako u letu?
[Sensei`hcp] praksa.
[Luka] ocemo iza jednu inter?
[Duke-Nukem] shit shit shit
[Sensei`hcp] a nisam nesto za inter
[Sensei`hcp] rijetko ga igram
[Luka] sta si reka hxsteria 1 sec?
[Sensei`hcp] da
[Sensei`hcp] to je dosta brutalnije od ovog
[Sensei`hcp] not good :)
[Duke-Nukem] yeah :)
[Duke-Nukem] o_o
[Sensei`hcp] haha alive :)
[Luka] onda mozemo ovo jednu
[Duke-Nukem] omg
[Sensei`hcp] gg
[Duke-Nukem] hacker
[Duke-Nukem] gg
[Sensei`hcp] lol
[Duke-Nukem] xD
[Duke-Nukem] kidding
[Duke-Nukem] just
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 26 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Duke-Nukem] gooder fun!
[Sensei`hcp] nice mine... good start!! (-.-)
[Sensei`hcp] hf
[Duke-Nukem] :)
[Sensei`hcp] lol
[Sensei`hcp] accident?
[Duke-Nukem] xD
[Duke-Nukem] no!
[Duke-Nukem] yes xD
[Sensei`hcp] lol
[Duke-Nukem] oh shit
[Duke-Nukem] f@#!en baseball
[Duke-Nukem] nope
[Duke-Nukem] shiiiiiiiiit
[Sensei`hcp] haha :)
[Sensei`hcp] nice health pickup
[Sensei`hcp] shit
[Sensei`hcp] what an idiot
[Duke-Nukem] dont worry
[Sensei`hcp] hmm
[Duke-Nukem] nice
[Sensei`hcp] tx
[Duke-Nukem] f@#!en kayboard
[Duke-Nukem] xD
[Sensei`hcp] f@#!....
[Duke-Nukem] 2:1
[Sensei`hcp] vbl

Paradise - THeDoGG