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Game #216012, Viewed 477 Time(s)

Classic #54
December 23, 2016, 03:38 AM
Obscure osculum
Absolute Beginner 1044 in Hysteria before the game. Gained 32|32 points
dæth тouch
Absolute Beginner 872 in Hysteria before the game. Lost 31|32 points

Game Rate
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Players history
5 - 3
6 - 5
12 - 36
14 - 51
Information Game scheme: Hysteria
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 3.09 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Oo`lales] Hf.
[Oo`lales] That camelo is ninja? Ask him
[dt`wreckz] that was LG + JP + FLY + mine??
[dt`wreckz] are you a mad scientist of some sort?? :X
[Oo`lales] u in shape Angst, lier
[Oo`lales] ;)
[AnGsT`l3x] xD
[Oo`lales] tactic
[dt`wreckz] nice sui dibz.. just like we talked about
[AnGsT`l3x] phew
[dt`wreckz] wtf how u guys doing damn LG + JPs??? its crazy
[Oo`lales] i can LG + cow and its amazing
[Oo`lales] xD!
[Oo`lales] playing this "shitty" scheme since someone invented
[AnGsT`l3x] its crazy when LG + JP + FP
[Oo`lales] yeah
[dt`blitz] ns
[dt`wreckz] tx
[Oo`lales] its crazy when Zwitter nade ur ass with JP flip
[Oo`lales] job
[dt`wreckz] not sure i noticed jp flip
[dt`wreckz] he activated JP after a backflip?? Or what u mean??
[Oo`lales] how can i say it? damn english ;p
[Oo`lales] he trow a nde from jetpack and nade boing in his own jp and get you
[dt`wreckz] nade bounced off his worm, while he was on jetpack??? is that what you mean?
[Oo`lales] oi oi oi
[dt`blitz] :x
[Oo`lales] traitor?
[dt`wreckz] thats your second self own zook dibz :P
[dt`blitz] well one on u
[dt`blitz] one on me
[Oo`lales] one on one
[dt`wreckz] ahhhh shit
[AnGsT`l3x] full
[AnGsT`l3x] nade de 1s ahi abajo?
[dt`wreckz] :p
[Oo`lales] lets tactic
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: o mierda era f4 pal msg
[Oo`lales] (fail)
[Oo`lales] 35
[Oo`lales] bl
[Oo`lales] zwitter online now, 3rd?
Oo`lales..AnGsT`l3x: jugremos mas, tu y zwitter ^^
[dt`wreckz] nt
[dt`blitz] fuuk
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: no se si me ded time wey, necesityo ir al doc
[dt`wreckz] self own?
[dt`wreckz] awww
[AnGsT`l3x] ns
[Oo`lales] ty
[dt`wreckz] ok... nivman own :D
Oo`lales..AnGsT`l3x: bueno wey, hazte el cambio de tab y de clan y todo ,te perdono
Oo`lales..AnGsT`l3x: curate y mejorate, es lo mas importante
[dt`wreckz] n1
[dt`blitz] t
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: ya ya, espero no tardar
[dt`wreckz] :D
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: pero aun no
[AnGsT`l3x] ya la viste
[Oo`lales] abreles arriba?
[AnGsT`l3x] simon
[dt`wreckz] ty
[dt`wreckz] :D
[Oo`lales] yw
[Oo`lales] all that can go out can inside in again ;D
[dt`wreckz] lol tru
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: abre tu
[Oo`lales] si
[Oo`lales] flames to all ! gg`
[dt`wreckz] no way
[Oo`lales] -1 ;/
[dt`wreckz] :P
[Oo`lales] ye but at least 2 ;/
[Oo`lales] xD
[dt`wreckz] 1?
[Oo`lales] plop 1 only, ye
[dt`wreckz] ;p
[AnGsT`l3x] ns
[AnGsT`l3x] xD
[Oo`lales] ty
[dt`wreckz] ns for sure :(
[Oo`lales] n ote rias cabroncete
[Oo`lales] woot slave
[dt`wreckz] DIE
[dt`wreckz] DIE
[dt`wreckz] aww
[dt`wreckz] lol
[Oo`lales] phew
[dt`wreckz] f@#!er
[Oo`lales] ficker
[dt`wreckz] gogogogo mine ;p
[dt`wreckz] get em d
[dt`wreckz] nt
[Oo`lales] me voy a suicidar, no?
[Oo`lales] sui sui?
[AnGsT`l3x] no
[Oo`lales] ;( ok
[Oo`lales] job
[dt`wreckz] oooo nice shot
[dt`blitz] tx
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: sube
[AnGsT`l3x] lol
[Oo`lales] now
[Oo`lales] scared ne1?
[dt`wreckz] lolz
[dt`wreckz] nt
[Oo`lales] nice open
[Oo`lales] open the golf
[Oo`lales] master de augusta
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: sube wey
Oo`lales..AnGsT`l3x: subo
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: atras delo que queda del clamello
[dt`wreckz] nice shot
[Oo`lales] me das ordenes wey?!?!
[Oo`lales] xD
[dt`wreckz] good one d
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: necesitas angyulo
Oo`lales..AnGsT`l3x: ;) ok se��or
[Oo`lales] masta
[dt`wreckz] ns
AnGsT`l3x..Oo`lales: xD
[AnGsT`l3x] t
[dt`wreckz] nice dibz :DD
[AnGsT`l3x] ai dale noma"!
[Oo`lales] a ver si sale
[Oo`lales] GO OUT
[Oo`lales] ^^
[Oo`lales] run
[dt`blitz] ?
[Oo`lales] xDD
[AnGsT`l3x] :D
[dt`wreckz] lolz bad luck
[Oo`lales] i droped a nade there
[Oo`lales] vbl
[dt`wreckz] 2 more games?
[Oo`lales] gg`s
[Oo`lales] yes

Paradise - THeDoGG