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Game #222580, reported by Sensei, Viewed 1352 Time(s)

Free #33
November 28, 2017, 02:26 PM

Sum: Below Average 1377 in Aerial before the game. Gained 34|19 points

Sum: Below Average 1377 in Aerial before the game. Gained 34|19 points

Sum: Absolute Beginner 894 in Aerial before the game. Lost 22|19 points

Sum: Absolute Beginner 894 in Aerial before the game. Lost 22|19 points

Game Rate
2 / 5
Total Members Voted: 3
Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: Aerial
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 891 time(s).
Game Awards
has nominated this game for Luck of the season
has nominated this game for Game of the season (Addional note)
has nominated this game for Luck of the season (Addional note)
has nominated this game for Luck of the season
has nominated this game for Luck of the season
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 182.58 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[`Pn`XanKriegor] Have fun and good luck
[Sensei`hcp] fortnite is cross platform man
[Godmax] Ladies and prostitutes, it is an honor to welcome your hairy asses. Tobias, present or not, is in a more or less bullshit condition today but we will f@#!ing win nonstop in 2017/2018. Tits in Willie out enjoy the Max Scheme air and let the f@#!ing shit begin!
[Godmax] Victory smells like a stinky hairy pile of monkeyshit and: titmilk
[`Pn`XanKriegor] color addiction is not a good thing
[Godmax] wtf why such a shit map
[Sensei`hcp] vicenzo and me played with buddy from ps4
[Godmax] thought you are a mapgod
[Godmax] fortnite makes me very angry
[Godmax] lots of assholes cheaters coke chips childrenf@#!ers
[Godmax] lots of action
[Sensei`hcp] adnan dropped and he's not even playing
[Sensei`hcp] still alive, ok
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] First time stareting WA sucks
[Godmax] the map is super shit
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] starting*
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] Funks
[Godmax] no f@#!ing defense
[`Pn`XanKriegor] best defense is attacking
[`Pn`XanKriegor] XDDD
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] wild
[Sensei`hcp] n hide maxy
[pavlepavle] yay
[`Pn`XanKriegor] wow
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] pael
[Sensei`hcp] job!
[`Pn`XanKriegor] typical
[Godmax] i am mentally in the next match
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] wild
[Godmax] this one is over
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] facked
[`Pn`XanKriegor] 2x bonus
[ZaLo] gj
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] or not
[Godmax] oh oh
[Godmax] f@#! him zalo
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] in the ass
[Godmax] better yet the mlati
[Godmax] sensei is opponent numero uno
[Godmax] ph ph
[Godmax] oh oh
[Godmax] f@#! off
[Godmax] they get the good stuff
[Godmax] assholes
[Godmax] f@#!ed
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] hward
[Sensei`hcp] a stavi je
[Sensei`hcp] doli
[Godmax] what
[Sensei`hcp] jebi ih
[Godmax] dolly buster?
[`Pn`XanKriegor] chinese pls
[Godmax] thats a erotic f@#!model
[pavlepavle] t
[Godmax] banana hehe
[Pn`Mega`Adnan] ehehe
[Sensei`hcp] nicey
[Godmax] good
[Godmax] minimized
[Godmax] have fun
[Godmax] fast match
[Sensei`hcp] hahahah
[Sensei`hcp] it's bo3 m8..
[pavlepavle] lol
Sensei`hcp..pavlepavle: ostani po sredini, doci cu ja tu.. da nas ne izjebe na turn advantage
pavlepavle..Sensei`hcp: e jbg nije bas sredina
Sensei`hcp..pavlepavle: tribamo ga stiskat, stat sta blize
Sensei`hcp..pavlepavle: sad cu jetcid sa ovin crvon ako ga ne ubije
[Sensei`hcp] nt
[`Pn`XanKriegor] nice
[ZaLo] ty
[pavlepavle] ae
[Sensei`hcp] wow :)
[Godmax] f@#! that mlati now
[Godmax] wind is good
[Godmax] f@#! him
[Godmax] up and f@#!
[Godmax] no
[pavlepavle] aa
[Godmax] slow but steady
[Godmax] f@#! them slowly
[Godmax] we have time
[Godmax] blow up the barrel
[Godmax] f@#! him with fire
[Godmax] eat his ass
[Godmax] no
[Godmax] yeah blow up his ass
[Godmax] come on f@#! em
[Godmax] NO
[Godmax] disaster
[Godmax] f@#!ing disaster
[Godmax] blow his asshole down
[Godmax] with bazooka
[Godmax] f@#!
[Godmax] dont get the crate it wont work
[Godmax] oh no
[Godmax] mh well
[`Pn`XanKriegor] Airstrike could be useful
Sensei`hcp..pavlepavle: moramo napast, sad ce sd
[Godmax] ok f@#! him
[Godmax] NO
[Godmax] NO
[Godmax] NO
[`Pn`XanKriegor] ewww
[Godmax] go up then
[Godmax] and f@#! him next turn
[Godmax] i got a new nick for tus btw
[Godmax] for the shoutbox
[pavlepavle] g
[Godmax] assholes
[`Pn`XanKriegor] wow
[Sensei`hcp] vidija san je
[Sensei`hcp] bravo!
[Godmax] noobluckerthrow
[pavlepavle] t
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 162.05 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Sensei`hcp] ty maxy.
[Godmax] Ladies and prostitutes, it is an honor to welcome your hairy asses. Tobias, present or not, is in a more or less bullshit condition today but we will f@#!ing win nonstop in 2017/2018. Tits in Willie out enjoy the Max Scheme air and let the f@#!ing shit begin!
[Sensei`hcp] fair play
[Godmax] Victory smels like a stinky hairy pile of monkeyshit and: titmilk
[pavlepavle] fff
[Godmax] oh oh
[Godmax] so we start afteraöll
[Godmax] good
[Godmax] i will f@#! him
[Godmax] mh wild
[pavlepavle] g
[Sensei`hcp] t
[Godmax] f@#! off
Sensei`hcp..pavlepavle: samo otvori povise ghasta
Sensei`hcp..pavlepavle: ja cu ubacit sheep ako uspijen
[Godmax] he will f@#! me in water
[Godmax] i know these noobbitches
[Godmax] luckertits
[Godmax] one shot
[Godmax] perfect kill
[Godmax] that was amateurhour
[Godmax] good
[Sensei`hcp] zasto ne nade?
[pavlepavle] nzm :D
[Godmax] f@#! him
[Sensei`hcp] :)
[Godmax] f@#!ed
[Godmax] oh oh
[Godmax] staying down
[Godmax] i dont like it
[Godmax] not one bit
[Godmax] you cant win against croatian by hiding
[Godmax] s
[Godmax] croatians are unf@#!able
[Godmax] only by other russian rapists
[Godmax] NO
[Godmax] O
[Godmax] NO
[Godmax] yeah i will f@#! him
[Godmax] oh nice
[Godmax] thx
[ZaLo] yea
[ZaLo] ty
[Godmax] aimbot aimed at shonjo
[Godmax] cheatermistake
[Godmax] can happen
[Sensei`hcp] lol
[Godmax] f@#!
[Sensei`hcp] let's end this shit, i need to go to dentist
[Sensei`hcp] ivica
[Godmax] ah ivica
[Godmax] wtf was that
[Godmax] tell me now
[Godmax] you wanted to f@#! my worm?
[pavlepavle] nee
[Sensei`hcp] aaa u kurac
[Sensei`hcp] nisan pratija
[`Pn`XanKriegor] oO
[Sensei`hcp] sry
[`Pn`XanKriegor] it died with 1 HP?
[pavlepavle] :D
[Sensei`hcp] uuu
[pavlepavle] didnt
[Sensei`hcp] DYNAAAAAAA
[pavlepavle] aee
[Sensei`hcp] kurac
[pavlepavle] COW
[Sensei`hcp] time to aimbot
[Godmax] personally i despise aimbot
[pavlepavle] xd
[Sensei`hcp] wow :)
[`Pn`XanKriegor] owowow
[Godmax] see
[Godmax] all good
[Sensei`hcp] gimme a break
[Godmax] just f@#! the mlati
[Godmax] ah well ok
[Sensei`hcp] it's doable
[Godmax] not for you
[Sensei`hcp] not today
[Godmax] never
[Godmax] how to attack now...
[Godmax] this is all shit
[Godmax] now f@#! that mlati
[Godmax] i cant deal with that shit
[Godmax] ah great
[Godmax] may the dentist eat your ass
[Godmax] if we cant
[Godmax] croatian dentist, must be brutal
[Godmax] assholes
[Godmax] 1hp
[Godmax] would've killed the otehr worms
[Godmax] -x
[Godmax] -s
[Godmax] up and blow his nutsack
[Godmax] bazooka from under hikm
[Godmax] rtight at the nutsack
[Godmax] NPOW#
[Godmax] NOw
[Godmax] NO
[Godmax] YEs
[Godmax] YES
[pavlepavle] panic ded
[`Pn`XanKriegor] vgj
[Godmax] f@#!nugget
[pavlepavle] haha
[Godmax] alive lucker
[Godmax] perfect hit
[Godmax] dont use aimbot
[pavlepavle] vn
[Godmax] we can win without it
[ZaLo] ty
[Godmax] let the noobs do their aimbot thing
[Godmax] we have manliness
[pavlepavle] punish e
[pavlepavle] m
[Godmax] i am dead soon
[Godmax] f@#! that mlati zalo
[Godmax] GET It
[Godmax] omg
[Godmax] the crate zalo the crate
[pavlepavle] jetcide?
[Godmax] asshole
[Godmax] too many crates for him
[Godmax] wtf is this
pavlepavle..Sensei`hcp: ahaha
Sensei`hcp..pavlepavle: loool
[Sensei`hcp] ocu kockat
[pavlepavle] udji u zeva
[pavlepavle] zeca
[Godmax] what
[Godmax] yes dentist
[Godmax] he will go soon
[Sensei`hcp] da..
[Godmax] dont worry
[pavlepavle] that will not help u!!
[Godmax] with airstrike no
[Godmax] armageddon
[Godmax] mhh well
[Sensei`hcp] hahaha
[pavlepavle] ahuhadufghghha
[Sensei`hcp] PRO
[`Pn`XanKriegor] AHAHHAHA
[Godmax] draw
[Godmax] come on
[pavlepavle] gs
[Sensei`hcp] SHIT
[Godmax] draw
[Godmax] DRAW
[Sensei`hcp] SHIT
[Godmax] DRAW
[Sensei`hcp] SHIT
[pavlepavle] aaaah
[Sensei`hcp] hahah
[`Pn`XanKriegor] LOOOL
[Sensei`hcp] YRES
[Sensei`hcp] YESY
[ZaLo] wtf
[Sensei`hcp] ahdfahhas
[Sensei`hcp] asdoiushjuahahgahhaha
[ZaLo] fk u
[Sensei`hcp] ahjuahahahahhahaha
[ZaLo] luckers
[pavlepavle] OMG
[pavlepavle] WHAT
[Sensei`hcp] ahahahahahahhahaha

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Where did all posts go? Was looking forward to read more of butthurt stuff. :(
