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Game #235579, Viewed 218 Time(s)

Allround #21, Rope #23
January 16, 2023, 06:51 PM
Destroyers of Power
Absolute Beginner 940 in WxW before the game. Gained 43|49 points more
only business
Inexperienced 1157 in WxW before the game. Lost 40|49 points more

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 0
2 - 0
5 - 3
6 - 7
Information Game scheme: WxW
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 210 time(s).
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Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 800, PNG, 46.58 KB, Downloaded 11 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[ob`nuta`zar] hf gl
CN-Wynn has turned on the crate finder feature of wkRubberWorm (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm).
[CN-Wynn] hf
[dP-blitz0r`zar] hf
[ob`nuta`zar] um
[ob`nuta`zar] no rope
[ob`nuta`zar] xd
[KinslayeR`dP] nice
[dP-blitz0r`zar] scheme
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 135.08 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[ob`nuta`zar] hf gl
[dP-blitz0r`zar] hf
[ob`nuta`zar] zz
KinslayeR`dP..dP-blitz0r`zar: sure
[CN-Wynn] 4 mines
[KinslayeR`dP] migh be
[KinslayeR`dP] hm
[KinslayeR`dP] central park
[KinslayeR`dP] OK
KinslayeR`dP..dP-blitz0r`zar: maybe a little focus needed?
[KinslayeR`dP] more like this
[ob`nuta`zar] pf
[KinslayeR`dP] pf
[ob`nuta`zar] eh
[ob`nuta`zar] gg
[dP-blitz0r`zar] ggs
[KinslayeR`dP] gg
[KinslayeR`dP] 1 more?
[ob`nuta`zar] no sry
[ob`nuta`zar] too much waiting
[KinslayeR`dP] ok bye
[ob`nuta`zar] cu