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Game #241254, Viewed 97 Time(s)

Allround #28, Rope #29
March 14, 2024, 01:46 AM

Reasonable 1540 in Big RR/Tower before the game. Gained 31|22 points more

Beginner 1136 in Big RR/Tower before the game. Lost 22|22 points more

Information Game scheme: Big RR/Tower
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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9000 x 4000, PNG, 711.84 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Lupi] enjoy ^^
[dF-Wololo] Have fun
[Lupi] am I rly gonna fail in roping in all schemes now ><
[Lupi] do you have zar kradie maps? we could do some zar big rr and zar ropers next
[dF-Wololo] No
[dF-Wololo] You are talking about and third game? Or funner?
[Lupi] we can play it as 3rd game too
[Lupi] but I was thinking like I host zar roper, u host zar big rr
[Lupi] but if u wanna play just 1 more, u can say which scheme u want and we pick kradie maps
[Lupi] gg