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Game #243187, Viewed 116 Time(s)

Allround #29
Clanners, Playoffs
July 21, 2024, 09:42 PM
dæth тouch
Absolute Beginner 1008 in Normal/Intermediate before the game. Gained 0|0 points
In Cold Blood
Absolute Beginner 951 in Normal/Intermediate before the game. Lost 0|0 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
0 - 4
6 - 6
Information Game scheme: Normal/Intermediate
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 82 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-stylez] hf
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] Funs
[dt-Mablak] hf
[``Monster] hf gl
[``Monster] uf
[``Monster] fk, they are killing 1st the best intermediate player
[dtdeejay] xD
[``Monster] :)
[``Monster] inf ropers?
[``Monster] xd
[``Monster] just asking
[``Monster] gj ae
[dtdeejay] ae
[dt-Mablak] ye our team has inf ropes, but not them
[``Monster] ))
[``Monster] aww
[``Monster] 1mm
[``Monster] can't knock this way
[dtdeejay] vn
[``Monster] gj
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae
[``Monster] bunge wasta
[``Monster] 23
[dtdeejay] xD
[dtdeejay] 23 michael jordan
[dtdeejay] u measn tita?
[``Monster] S2 Jordan
[``Monster] nah
[``Monster] xd
[dtdeejay] xD
[``Monster] 23
[``Monster] now
[``Monster] 100%
[``Monster] ahh
[dtdeejay] xD
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[dt-Mablak] you were thinking about just body blocking
[``Monster] yeah
[``Monster] but 62 hp
dtdeejay..``Monster: how many ropes we got now
``Monster..dt-stylez: 2
``Monster..dt-stylez: mab had to use 3 in his first turn
``Monster..dt-stylez: to avoid the mine damage
dt-stylez..``Monster: it's style here if that message was for deejay lol
``Monster..dt-stylez: haha
``Monster..dt-stylez: np
[``Monster] gg
[``Monster] 23 now. pls
[``Monster] I wish
dt-stylez..``Monster: 2 ropes should be still enough
``Monster..dt-stylez: ye
[icb`Rocket] gg
``Monster..dtdeejay: ufff
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] smooth
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gg
[dtdeejay] gg
[dt-Mablak] gg
[dt-stylez] gg
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[``Monster] hf
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] Funs
[``Monster] I'm glad cuz i didn't kill my own team.
[``Monster] cuz, i'm play with red colour
[``Monster] playng*
[``Monster] -2 bonnus
``Monster..dt-stylez: 1ws 1 roper
[``Monster] gj
[dtdeejay] ae
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae
[``Monster] pro
[``Monster] he's the goat
[``Monster] perfect
[``Monster] playng like lion
[dt-Mablak] bah
[``Monster] whoah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ow
[``Monster] la puta que te parivics
[dt-Mablak] gj
[dtdeejay] n
[``Monster] ty
[``Monster] bah, fail
[dtdeejay] bl
[``Monster] bad timming
[dt-Mablak] slippery cow
[``Monster] np
[icb`Rocket] eek
[``Monster] vn
[``Monster] wtf
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] pressure
[``Monster] crazy
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[``Monster] almost a hyyper mega poop
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xD
[dtdeejay] n
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] vnb
[dtdeejay] n
[icb`Rocket] ns
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] vn *
[``Monster] ty, mab idea
[dt-Mablak] I thought you'd just place on the head lol
[dt-Mablak] gj
[``Monster] xd
[``Monster] oww
[dtdeejay] xD
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] 1mm miss
[``Monster] blind poop
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :'(
[``Monster] gg
[``Monster] ah
[``Monster] 1 worm left
[``Monster] 2*
[dtdeejay] XD
[icb`Rocket] tita does the math
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tita mathemtics teacher
[icb`Rocket] gg
[``Monster] xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gg
[``Monster] gg
[icb`Rocket] 50 this time
[``Monster] -41
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] bad
[``Monster] gg
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gg
[dt-Mablak] gg
[dt-stylez] gg
[``Monster] gg
[dtdeejay] ok
[dtdeejay] gg
[dt-Mablak] kk what next
[icb`Rocket] I host