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Game #243618, Viewed 63 Time(s)

Allround #31, Default #32
August 19, 2024, 10:16 PM
The Chicken Clan
Rookie 1227 in Team17 before the game. Gained 46|33 points more
Red Bulls
Beginner 1083 in Team17 before the game. Lost 33|33 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 1
1 - 1
1 - 1
1 - 1
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 0 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[AlbinoCKC] gl hf
[dilbertckc] hf
<<AlbinoCKC>> we should keep one worm at lower base tho, there is a crate zone out there
[dilbertckc] how is ckc in the rankings?
[dilbertckc] is it top? :D
<<dilbertckc>> yeh but i think we should open a space from top
<<dilbertckc>> keep it under controll both
[AlbinoCKC] we barely clan lol
[AlbinoCKC] very inactive for long time
[dilbertckc] are there more active clans?
[AlbinoCKC] but we got a trophy few seasons ago
[dilbertckc] nice
<<AlbinoCKC>> aww lol
<<dilbertckc>> skunk try botrh maybe
<<dilbertckc>> nice
<<AlbinoCKC>> thx
<<dilbertckc>> dyna?
<<dilbertckc>> so we open
<<AlbinoCKC>> yea
<<dilbertckc>> dang
<<AlbinoCKC>> still fine dmg
<<dilbertckc>> ss ;o
<<AlbinoCKC>> wont work tho
<<dilbertckc>> tele up to me
<<dilbertckc>> nice cows
<<AlbinoCKC>> yea :)
<<dilbertckc>> another cows
<<AlbinoCKC>> you can flame kill it later
<<AlbinoCKC>> oh didnt notice
<<dilbertckc>> skunk both
<<AlbinoCKC>> sorry
<<dilbertckc>> np
<<AlbinoCKC>> too bad we dont have sd wep
<<AlbinoCKC>> ya
<<dilbertckc>> yeh we gota finish them off
<<dilbertckc>> and keep ssides so they wont be able to use ss
<<AlbinoCKC>> flame it from left side tho
<<AlbinoCKC>> no cow
<<AlbinoCKC>> nice
<<dilbertckc>> thanks
<<AlbinoCKC>> ican cow both now
<<dilbertckc>> maybe rope and cows for air arms
<<AlbinoCKC>> he cant block me
<<dilbertckc>> rope and 5 cows
<<dilbertckc>> xdd
<<dilbertckc>> nice
<<AlbinoCKC>> was tight lol
[AlbinoCKC] ah laggy
[INFernal] 99
[AlbinoCKC] gg
[dilbertckc] gg
[`RB`Lancelot`pH] 99
[oldsock] gg