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Game #34470, Viewed 446 Time(s)

Classic #14
July 20, 2010, 04:57 PM

Absolute Beginner 852 in TTRR before the game. Gained 44|44 points

Absolute Beginner 954 in TTRR before the game. Lost 44|44 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
1 - 2
1 - 2
Information Game scheme: TTRR
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 173 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
RRx20 by
1920 x 696, BIT, 0.43 KB, Downloaded 9,882 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[xTdCxtheredi] hf
[`RS`Shadow] i'm going to win my pick
[xTdCxtheredi] whats ur pick?
[`RS`Shadow] so..
[`RS`Shadow] hyst
[xTdCxtheredi] wanna t17 or elite 3rd?
[`RS`Shadow] xD
[xTdCxtheredi] bl
[`RS`Shadow] i'm a nob.. it is not bl)
[`RS`Shadow] noob*
[`RS`Shadow] 42
[`RS`Shadow] omg
[`RS`Shadow] xD
[xTdCxtheredi] ;p
[`RS`Shadow] noob noob and again noob!
[`RS`Shadow] ahah
[xTdCxtheredi] 39
[`RS`Shadow] gg
[xTdCxtheredi] ff
[xTdCxtheredi] gg
[xTdCxtheredi] u host?