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Game #73023, Reported by Gamma, Viewed 1732 Time(s)

Classic #20
June 08, 2011, 01:40 PM

Reasonable 1599 in Team17 before the game. Gained 35|35 points

Average 1510 in Team17 before the game. Lost 20|35 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
8 - 2
8 - 4
8 - 2
8 - 6
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 67 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 15 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dC`ThousoN] hf
[Gamma] hf
[dC`ThousoN] o0
[dC`ThousoN] viu a despedida d ronaldo???
[dC`ThousoN] o0
[Gamma] foi no jogo da holanda, nao?
[dC`ThousoN] kkk
[Gamma] muuhaquhuahhUHUHuhahuhuUHUHHUUHHUHUHUHHHhahhaah
[dC`ThousoN] weeeeeee
[dC`ThousoN] 31
[dC`ThousoN] !
[dC`ThousoN] hehe
[dC`ThousoN] nao
[dC`ThousoN] foi AGORA
[dC`ThousoN] hj
[dC`ThousoN] vs romenia
[dC`ThousoN] t ajogando ainda
[dC`ThousoN] mas ele ja saiu
[dC`ThousoN] teve um festao no intervalo
[dC`ThousoN] 0o
[Gamma] em que time??
[Gamma] ele tà com quantos anos?
[dC`ThousoN] aw
[dC`ThousoN] q merda
[Gamma] wee
[dC`ThousoN] ot burrao!!
[dC`ThousoN] gg
[dC`ThousoN] vo tenta ocncentra
[dC`ThousoN] pq neymar foi substituido...
[dC`ThousoN] aww
[Gamma] rofl
[dC`ThousoN] ops
[Gamma] o ronaldinho gaucho tà jogando bem o nao??
[dC`ThousoN] ta
[dC`ThousoN] mas nao taaanto
[dC`ThousoN] qndo sabe
[dC`ThousoN] nem 80%
[Gamma] cara, o Barça marcou o fim dos anos de ouros do Gaucho....depois disso, nunca mais...!!!!!! ;(
[dC`ThousoN] FIM?
[dC`ThousoN] anos d ouro?
[dC`ThousoN] agora o barça eh maior ainda
[dC`ThousoN] o0
[dC`ThousoN] eh o melhor time do SECULO!
[dC`ThousoN] bate ate o real dos galaticos
[Gamma] cara, ou vc nao sabe ler ou nao prestou atençao na minha frase mAUHAHUahuahahhuahuahua
[Gamma] nao falei absolutamente nada do Barcelona, e sim do GAUCHO!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
[dC`ThousoN] ah
[dC`ThousoN] kkkkkkkkkkk
[dC`ThousoN] DO
[dC`ThousoN] nao vi essa palavrinha
[dC`ThousoN] hehe
[dC`ThousoN] no milan ele deu as caras
[dC`ThousoN] umas humilhadinhas...
[dC`ThousoN] e pronto
[dC`ThousoN] wow
[dC`ThousoN] malditas armas...
[Gamma] :D
[dC`ThousoN] eh hora do PAU
[dC`ThousoN] do sampa
[Gamma] :)
[Gamma] meu time
[dC`ThousoN] meu tbm
[dC`ThousoN] desd gurizao
[dC`ThousoN] torço pra bahia e smapa
[dC`ThousoN] ehhehe
[dC`ThousoN] maldita!
[Gamma] toma essa entao mAUHHAUhua
[dC`ThousoN] IDEA
[dC`ThousoN] aff
[dC`ThousoN] q mentira
[dC`ThousoN] eh muita ma sorte
[dC`ThousoN] por isos me irrito com t17
[dC`ThousoN] e shopa
[Gamma] wooow
[dC`ThousoN] lol
[dC`ThousoN] aee
[Gamma] bom, akele ali ja era na proximao Thousonzim..
[dC`ThousoN] mesmo assim....
[dC`ThousoN] ia fik com 60
[dC`ThousoN] oooutra historia
[dC`ThousoN] ehhe
[Gamma] LOOOL
[Gamma] vou arrombar esses seus ratinhos ;) auhahahu
[dC`ThousoN] kkkk
[dC`ThousoN] fica ai
[dC`ThousoN] ai mesmo
[dC`ThousoN] hehe
[Gamma] ae caguei
[Gamma] se me bloquera
[Gamma] mauhahuauh num tenho arma
[Gamma] se me bloquear fudeu
[dC`ThousoN] naaaaao
[Gamma] fica ai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[dC`ThousoN] awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[dC`ThousoN] q FEIO!!!!!!!!!!!!
[dC`ThousoN] TA MTU NUB
[dC`ThousoN] TO
[dC`ThousoN] *
[dC`ThousoN] *
[dC`ThousoN] *
[dC`ThousoN] AWWWW
[dC`ThousoN] ainda vem isso
[dC`ThousoN] powa
[dC`ThousoN] ma sorte do cara****
[dC`ThousoN] infernal
[dC`ThousoN] TODO JOGO
[dC`ThousoN] iso
[dC`ThousoN] vento fdp!
[Gamma] gg
[dC`ThousoN] otra
[Gamma] mUAUhaHUA
[Gamma] ;D
[dC`ThousoN] to com odio!

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Only me to beat Gamma in T17 xDDDDD


Quote from: Professor on June 08, 2011, 02:30 PM
Only me to beat Gamma in T17 xDDDDD

really ?

Team17   82   62   20   42.26%   75.61%   62.38%   +7   +7/-3   1675   1673   

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Professor on June 08, 2011, 02:30 PM
Only me to beat Gamma in T17 xDDDDD

really? Check my last 2 games :)


I was only joking xDDDDDDDDD

gj Maciej  :-*



You fools! You think you have enough power to match Gamma in any given t17 arena?!?!
Hahahah, such matches that were lost by Gamma are nothing but his demonstration of mercy on his weak opponents.

I am still the T17 monster around here. From now on, I will crash you very quickly, showing no mercy anymore, you insects!




Quote from: Gamma on June 11, 2011, 07:50 PM

You fools! You think you have enough power to match Gamma in any given t17 arena?!?!
Hahahah, such matches that were lost by Gamma are nothing but his demonstration of mercy on his weak opponents.

I am still the T17 monster around here. From now on, I will crash you very quickly, showing no mercy anymore, you insects!


Haha T17... we insects? your an insect... since you havent played with every wormnet players, you cant think that your the better (which is a lucky-based-scheme) in T17. And i think that if Uber were active, he would pwn you, and Random00 too. Your still an insect. I win almost everytime at hyst and i dont scorn others players for it.


https://www.tus-wa.com/leagues/game-73538/  lol

https://www.tus-wa.com/leagues/game-73554/  lol

https://www.tus-wa.com/leagues/game-73531/  lol  

https://www.tus-wa.com/leagues/game-73477/  lol

Dont laugh dude, you have to work a lot still!
Seems that they didnt have mercy on you :)
Mole shopper is the worst thing in the world.


I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010



Mole shopper is the worst thing in the world.