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Sandy City


2560 x 928, PNG, 74.13 KB
Map type: Shopper

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Date uploaded: June 14, 2017, 11:47 AM

Sandy City -- Dedicated to Sally, I mean Sandy, I mean there's no one I know.
100% made in Photoshop

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Difficulty Rate
2 / 5
Total Members Voted: 3
Overall Rate
3 / 5
Total Members Voted: 3
Creativity Rate
3.66 / 5
Total Members Voted: 3

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Welcome back, Anamat! This map looks cool, I'm not a fan of large size tho


The colours are nice but the layout doesn't look too good. If you are looking for inspiration, two of the best shopper maps are 6666 and 29299.


Quote from: Jengu on June 17, 2017, 07:42 AM
The colours are nice but the layout doesn't look too good. If you are looking for inspiration, two of the best shopper maps are 6666 and 29299.
tbh i don't like those. dogma's and anamat's early city shoppers are where its at imo


I'd most likely play on battle mode so I rate this map Darude out of Sandstorm

Quote from: MonkeyIsland on July 25, 2017, 07:07 PM
You're muted you for a few days.


Cheers Wormers,

Jengu. - Interesting with shoppers how there's this tall maze like style or the older flatter city style. Both are great, not sure if they can be merged to create something. Seems to be choose one or the other. Using square-ish dimensions and then building on a slim tiered structure could work well.

Korydex - yeah I kind of agree, but old shopper format has been completed mapmaking. Might go for 6666 vibes.

Also thinking it needs a stricter colour scheme, but wanted that early original team17 cartoony style whilst keeping straight edges for layout.


The map is perfect for max scheme ofc. Already resized and cut the map to my personal and every max scheme lovers needs.


Love the look of this one, I guess I agree about the layout being a bit lacking but still. Nice looking! Reminds me a lot of Cave Story.


Not heard of Cave Story, searched, looks cool. However with modern pixel art games, I think 'Sword and Sworcery' is the best.