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Messages - Gamma

You got it. I will smash you like an insect!


manooo, como eu faço pra meter a bandeira brasileira aqui na TUS??? véio, os caras achem que eu sou italiano....me ajuda aee Phanta!

I'm still gonna hurt you!

You fools! You think you have enough power to match Gamma in any given t17 arena?!?!
Hahahah, such matches that were lost by Gamma are nothing but his demonstration of mercy on his weak opponents.

I am still the T17 monster around here. From now on, I will crash you very quickly, showing no mercy anymore, you insects!

Player '5awl (solido) agreed to play two TUS classic matches with me.
The first one was his pick (WxW). I won this.
After that, he refused to play my pick (2nd match: roper) because it was his bed time. However, as shown in the WxW game's chat, he agreed that I should report that as a free roper win for myself.
We both agreed to play two TUS matches. The first one would be Dilboy's pick, which was Elite. The second one would be T17 (my pick).
So we played Elite and I won. Then, as I hosted up my pick (T17), Dilboy did not want to play it, even though we had agreed on playing two matches. He simply refused to play, in a very sarcastic manner. That is why I'm reporting this free win.

Thank you for your comprehension,
