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Topics - Nightmare

wG / Welcome MaOz
January 25, 2013, 04:30 AM
Welcome to wG MaOz....Have Fun & Njoy...We are happy to welcome you in the clan...In the game, his nick is s1k0n...so...meet other members & gl :D
La tercera es la vencida...en tu caso luis... la séptima xD
Todavia me duele xD
Nice End...Me quede con la intriga...cual es la maña del wxw??? :o :o :o :o :o ???
wG / wG Members!!! Please Report!!!!
January 11, 2013, 07:46 AM
New thing on our clan...we have a forum...the idea of this forum is be more organized for clanner & things like that...so Njoy & good job boss getting us this forum  :D :D :D

Lo nuevo en nuestro clan ... tenemos un foro ... la idea de este foro es ser más organizados para clanner y cosas por el estilo ... jefe, buen trabajo consiguiendonos este foro...Njoy: D: D: D