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Messages - rUNaW4y

Quote from: Kradie on December 30, 2024, 02:03 PM
Quote from: TheKomodo on December 30, 2024, 02:02 PMIf Sensei is stepping down at first point in KO, shouldn't replace him with runaway?(Who was next in line).
I pm'ed them, asking if they want to step in.

Oh no, Prabe trying to appear to be a good guy once again!! For those who are not aware of, Kradie just put me in his black list some months ago, just because I am in not in favour of his racist thinking. No worries dude, I am still fine with that, keep it going! I will not take part of this cup anymore!
P.s: I have never received his message, as he said.
@MonkeyIsland, we are not really sure about what he is waiting for. Probably Prabe to join.
General discussion / Re: TANER VS KINS
December 04, 2024, 01:39 PM
Komo will be supposed to use his keyboards to pay Taner on kins behalf!
General discussion / Re: TANER VS KINS
December 03, 2024, 07:38 PM
Looks like it is personal, otherwise they are just felt in love lol.
Quote from: Impossible on November 25, 2024, 07:41 PMIn the last few years, people came up with a special class of keyboards focused on competitive games - analog keyboards.

it all started with wooting, and other brands (namely razor) caught up too.

The idea of analog buttons is that, just like on gamepads, each button has a degree of pressing, instead of discrete pressed/not pressed

at first glance, this sounds useless, except perhaps for racing sims (where it allows to turn/gas smoothly), but people came up with several common use cases for analog switches. one of them is "rapid trigger"

here's how it works:
on a regular keyboard, you need to press down a key quite a bit, until around the midway point of the switch, in order to activate it and register an input. After that, if you want to register another input, you have to let the key travel up above this midway point, in order to deactivate it, and then you need to press it down again. If a key is fully pressed down (bottomed out) and you let go just a little bit, but not enough to reach the midway point and deactivate the keypress, and then you push it back down, it won't trigger another input. You can test this yourself, simply press down one of the keys on your mechanical keyboard all the way, then very lightly lift up your finger so the key goes up just a tiny bit, and then press it down again. This counts as 1 long keypress (like how you would hold down for a slider), not 2 keypresses.

Meanwhile, with rapid trigger, every movement that presses the key downwards, no matter how small (as small as 0.1mm) will trigger a keypress, and every movement that lets the key travel upwards (as small as 0.1mm again) will deactivate the key. So you can basically bottom out, then let the key come up only a tiny distance, then press it again, and it will trigger 2 keypresses now instead of 1.

here's a good video example of how it works https://youtu.be/BSlKt7m7xXk?t=55

This feature exploded in some gaming communities. namely community of Osu, from which I took the description of rapid trigger. It's also very popular in online FPS and almost any games where you need to be able to quickly tap and react

Rapid Trigger basically allows players to register clicks by just "waving" the button

I was wondering if any of yall had heard/tried these keyboards in worms.

another interesting feature of analog keys is that, if desired, you can set them up so that they basically register 2 clicks. (and yes, those keyboards are considered cheating in some communities too, which is another interesting topic)

that is, when the button is pressed lightly (say, the key is pushed down 30% - you can actually set up and actuation point of each key with analog keyboard), 1 click is registered, then, when the key is pressed 90%, another click is registered.

this would allow, for example, to shoot rope with a light tap, and remove it by pushing the button further

but even without this, the ability to instantly release the key seems very useful in worms. I remember the problem of many double tapers was that they pressed the second button when they hadn't released the first one yet, so some of their clicks didn't register. rapid trigger theoretically fixes that issue.

Another interesting feature of analog keyboards is the "snap tap". it's mainly used in online fps.
what it does in short is when you have the left and right keys (or up and down) pressed at the same time, the keyboard only registers the key that is pressed harder. Thus, you can change the direction of movement instantaneously by pressing one of the arrows a little harder

It's not hard to guess why this is popular in online shooters, but it's also useful for roping, at least in theory. many movements in TTRR require incredibly fast switching of the arrows. same for trick races (if anyone still plays that..)

I wonder what your thoughts are on this

Impo, didn't we discuss this topic quite a bit during 10 past years? What is new?
Please check whether this game was part of the Season 32 or Season 33, thank you.
Oh damn, this is 17:0.
Quote from: Big Billy on November 11, 2024, 09:54 PMSo far we got 2 ppl not paired yet that signed up:

Mega`Adnan and MarCello.

You guys still searching for partner?

What about 'Adnan teaming with MarCello? Might be a killer combo in the end.
Quote from: Big Billy on October 31, 2024, 08:32 PMThanks flash,

I like your WxW Shopper scheme you put first. How about a little poll for this?
Tus Scheme vs Flash's Wxw Shopper scheme

If someone has other options may speak now. Could include that to the poll.

May I suggest considering bo3 for groups and KO stages, and maybe bo5 for the final? The wxw still has some random factors (e.g., crates positioning, weapons probability, etc.) and bo3 would penalize less those that might face a potential one-shoot bad luck (imo).
Off Topic / Re: My philosopy
October 29, 2024, 01:27 PM
Quote from: Kradie on October 29, 2024, 01:05 PMMy approach to life is to be optimistic, and hopeful for a better tomorrow. To be happy, patient, understanding, and kind, or try to be no matter the circumstance. Not to fall pray to doubt, Ignorance, cynicism, and, nihilism. But to be brave and fight those who wish us harm. And ultimately, to hate evil.

I also love to be curious and grateful about the universe and all the way to the tiniest of things.

In addition I pretty much I live by the golden rule ''Treat Others as They Do''

It's all about character, behavior, and what you do that makes you who you are.

That's me.

It looks like a nice definition for Jihadists to be used on Wikipedia.
General discussion / Re: Trojan
October 16, 2024, 07:24 PM
Quote from: rUNaW4y on October 16, 2024, 03:34 PMYou will either get flooded with soccer scores by Maximovich or you will instantly receive ZaR invitation from Kradie. I suggest throwing your PC from the window right now before getting infected.

Damn, what is wrong with you unfunny people? Btw, schemes are saved as .wsc files that are used to define scripts treated as COM objects and in some cases might be recognized as dangerous (still strange to my ears tho). You will not face any above-mentioned issues, just ignore your antivirus or add an exception in case the file is automatically removed.
General discussion / Re: Trojan
October 16, 2024, 03:34 PM
You will either get flooded with soccer scores by Maximovich or you will instantly receive ZaR invitation from Kradie. I suggest throwing your PC from the window right now before getting infected.
Quote from: Rocket on October 05, 2024, 04:58 PMae @rUNaW4y
I'm availavle on Sunday 6th at 16 GMT onwards or Tuesday same time

Hey, unfortunately I can not do it today, but Tuesday does work for me, let us say between 16:30 and 18:30 GMT (will pm you in AG in case it works for you)?
Maps Comments / Map #21798, Blockchase by SiD
September 17, 2024, 01:09 PM
First blockchain-based big RR map. Just wondering what consensus mechanism you did use. Next version might be a DAG-based Tangle XD
Quote from: Dr Engineer on August 29, 2024, 03:47 AMAlright so when I first played Worms 2 I found a few ancient zip files containing some old schemes and maps. I'm talking from possibly late 1997 to about 1998. These contained schemes like old Roper and the original forts mode. Some of these are attributed to who I can only assume a guy from back then known as FatSam. Last I recall finding these were on Dream17 or the now defunct Worms Roper site. I used to have them and knew they should've been archived due to the likelihood of them being removed or the site being shut down, but I lost them. Now I go and try to find them and its gone. Dream17 doesn't have it and like I said Worms Roper is down. I do also strangely recall kind of finding it on an old FTP server as well. If there's any chance of finding it for any of you that would be incredible as it is to some extent is a small, neat bit of Worms history for me.

TL;DR: Some of the original schemes and maps for these modes that became what we now know today have now become lost media that I once had.

I would start from here, first:
