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Messages - Zalo the moler

You'd better have some good excuse for being absent for 3 turns in a row xd
Here is Replay #2. It proves that if a worm falls from the same height, it takes less damage when landing on flames (19 hp) compared to when falling planly on the ground (25 hp).
If your worm needs to make a leap of faith from a high spot, flames will spare you fall damage, just like that haystack from Assassin's Creed.

Replay below!
7:51 - The most disobedient pigeon in the world xd
Quote from: MonkeyIsland on April 19, 2024, 09:54 PM
@Sbaffo @Zalo I don't like where this trash talking is headed. It's just juvenile and has no place in the public forum.

How is responding "Go outside" a trash talk? How is it on the same level as "Sit down get pounded biatchhh"? Why not just make me invisible to this guy so that he would stop insulting me? Ignoring option still makes his posts detectable.
So please stop telling me what to do as well. I won another T17 with Walrus today, but ofc you won't comment on these.
Go outside
Tech Support / Re: Possible minor weapon bug.
April 19, 2024, 05:05 PM
Quote from: Triad on April 19, 2024, 11:05 AM
Very interesting, didn't know moles were affected by explosions.

If you synchronise your worm's 100% vertical backspace jump with mole release in a tight tunnel, the mole might even push your worm down the slope. Such mole might later have a slightly modified dig.

Trivia: mole hitboxes seem to have only 2 pixels of height

As for the video, Lupastic is 100% correct. Mole Squadron never behaved like this prior to the last updates.
Quote from: TheWalrus on April 19, 2024, 08:16 AM
how many points did you earn when i smoked you in 2v2 cup?

Ah yes, that last victory of yours those few years ago...  :-[ I'm glad you keep those memories in your diary. I'm 10h daily on #AG. PM me when you see me online.
Maybe we can play T17 next somewhere today, Walrus? Looking at the match I got an incentive to get some T17 points.
Finally a Hell Terrain where you can actually see the pixels and not just bump into them in the dark. Can this actually be a part of WA.exe default Hell terrain? The vanilla one is just really troublesome if anyone gets to use Petrol. Sure, it might have a nostalgia factor but... I still end up never hosting a game on that terrain, and discouraging any clan to host on that.
General discussion / Re: Wormnet moderation
April 16, 2024, 07:04 PM
Quote from: MonkeyIsland on April 16, 2024, 09:20 AM
The street example is not a good analogy for WormNET. People passing on a street don't have anything in common. You could say WormNET is like a club or a bar. People who enter the club/bar may not know each other but they are looking to experience something similar. Now everytime you go to the bar you see people vomiting or having a bar fight, even though none of them are targeted at you, it definitely impacts your experience of that bar/club.

MonkeyIsland for the president! Well said!
Quote from: MeTonaTOR on April 16, 2024, 10:32 AM
Clearly boosted by Triad, the Hyst pro :D

How about 15:46 minute?  ;D
General discussion / Re: Wormnet moderation
April 14, 2024, 02:02 PM
Quote from: TheKomodo on April 14, 2024, 01:30 PM
It's just funny how you talk about limiting other peoples life with "rules" when your beliefs are more limited than most people I've seen here.

or... maybe you just assume the worst in people?