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Game #206808, Viewed 497 Time(s)

BnG comeback tour bo1 1vs1
Knockout, Round 1
March 27, 2016, 09:41 PM

Gained 5 points

Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 0
3 - 0
Information Tournament name: : #854: BnG comeback tour
Tournament scheme(s):
#992 Bazooka and Grenade

Game Result: 1:0
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Game Chat(s)
[NBRthewalrus] ooh damn
[NBRthewalrus] nt'
[sock] ty
[NBRthewalrus] whammy
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] is there any differents between backgrounds that how good you play?
[sock] n
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] t
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] thats just weird, i used lines background and sucked, now i use just black and its good
[NBRthewalrus] wham
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[NBRthewalrus] ooh
[NBRthewalrus] vns
[sock] t
[sock] n
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] is it also called darkside?
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] my place
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] walrus
[NBRthewalrus] no
[sock] nope
[NBRthewalrus] looks good
[NBRthewalrus] swet
[NBRthewalrus] right in the noggin\
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[sock] t
[NBRthewalrus] sick shot daddy
[NBRthewalrus] close
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] for what here is girder?
[sock] for better hide possibly
[NBRthewalrus] or to bounce grenades from
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] t
[NBRthewalrus] ehh
[NBRthewalrus] not there
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] i guess walrus is helping sock
[NBRthewalrus] i am?
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] sooo close
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] )))
[NBRthewalrus] ahaha
[NBRthewalrus] 4 sec proof girder
[sock] ;p
[NBRthewalrus] oi
[NBRthewalrus] gj
[sock] t
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] in middle is allowed?
[NBRthewalrus] you can move to other side of that tree
[NBRthewalrus] no closer to sock than thhat though
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] in middle allowed to move?
[NBRthewalrus] it depends
[NBRthewalrus] you cannot be closer to sock than 1/2 map
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] depends of what
[NBRthewalrus] ok i gotta go play
[NBRthewalrus] gl guys
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] i know it but nothing said about middle
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] bno
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] no
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] swfsdffdsfds
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] sock allowed in middle?
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] ew
[sock] gg
[Kf`Asbest`LoR] gg